
Friday, February 10, 2017


Haven't had any Friday kitty pictures lately (and several of you have noticed, ha).  

So without further ado, here is...

Brisbane, sacked out in his bed, with the sun shining on him (so he can recharge his batteries I'm sure).  So content...

And Hobart, sleeping on the rug in front of the the same sunshine shining through...

And of course, what are WE doing while THEY are sleeping like this?  Working of course. To make money, to keep them in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed, LOL!


  1. They are going to love living at the farm someday. Love cats.

    1. Brisbane, sadly, probably won't, he's closing in on 17 in a few months, Hobart however is only 9 (though that is senior, I suppose) so he'll probably be there. And we'll ALWAYS have cats, just love them. And will have to have a farm dog or two as well. ;-)

  2. Love the pictures and names of kitties but have wondered where is Perth?

    1. LOL! Yep, we have an Australian theme. Our first kitty was named Sydney. Then we got Brisbane and Hobart, Sydney is no longer with us unfortunately (he was 19 and had a great life). If Hobart had been a girl (we found him as a tiny kitten) "she" would have been named Adelaide. ;-).

  3. We are slaves to our pets! It is in the rules when you get them.

    1. Ain't that the truth!! We must have lost our rule book, haha!!!

  4. I always love seeing pictures of your sweet kitties! Sooo cute and cuddly.

    1. Aww, thanks for that! They are soft and one of them (Hobart) is cuddly, Brisbane can be aloof, ha.

  5. we had a snow day yesterday; cats did nothing but sleep. the humans did house chores.

    1. If we could put them to work we might get more done. Yay for snow, stay warm (and safe!)

  6. I want to come back as a cat so I can eat and sleep and ignore anyone I please.

  7. But surely, there would be no harm done if 1st and 2nd man took a nap in the sun, would there?? Only the cats wouldn't do any work whatsoever.....By the way, I really loved that pine tree, such a beautiful plant, I am sooo glad that you saved it and 2nd man can shake his head if he wants but he'll love it too.

    1. I LOVE how you think! There are naps taken on occasion. And how sweet to say that about the tree, I just couldn't let it go to the trash when it could have a new life with us, ha. Thank you as always for the sweet words!


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