
Saturday, March 18, 2017


It's a big weekend with THE most perfect weather we could ask for...and the list of things to do is long.

Mow for the first time this season.

Edge, also for the first time this season.

Add soil to fruit tree beds.

And get some veggies and herbs planted in the garden.

All that should make for a full weekend and I'm looking forward to every minute of it.

Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


  1. You are so right on having beautiful weather.
    We just mowed our yard for 2nd time on Tuesday; getting dirt and then will be planting my banana peppers (for making banana pepper mustard) and then first time ever I got what is a Cowhorn pepper. Need to get also a few more pepper plants for canning.
    Also have my sweet baby carrot seeds to plant yet.
    Oh, gotta stock up on wine(daughters favorites) for making wine jelly.
    Yuppers; sounds like busy weekend for us both.
    Enjoy your day

    1. Wasn't it nice in Texas? Need a banana pepper, haven't tried that and we do like them. Will get some carrot seeds in the ground as well. Hope you were successful!!!

  2. Cowhorn Pepper: They get quite long

    If you scroll down you will see in photo just how long they get:

  3. Have a wonderful time! This is a weekend of not much for me as the last month or so has been spent at work.

  4. I hope your weekend is productive and just plain wonderful.

  5. It was such a nice day yesterday and today is just as beautiful! Hoping you're getting done all you wanted to. Have a great weekend!

    1. It was overcast a few times but so pretty in the end. Hope you had fun outside playing gin the dirt!

  6. This weekend? Well, none of that anyway. For our part the weekend ment Beauty and the Beast at the local cinema, snowfall on saturday and a cold but nice long walk in the woods and on the mountain sunday afternoon. We are far from gardening, but are at least starting to clean up and look at the daffodils and croci peaking up among the rotten leafs! Blessings to you and the start of a blooming period!

    1. Oh we can't wait to see Beauty and the Beast, have always loved that cartoon. No snow for us though, ha. Daffodils are SO pretty, they are such a sign of Spring!!


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