
Thursday, March 9, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

We love flowers.  A lot of our inspiration photos we save involve color from flowers.  The added blaze of color in an all green yard is just always so beautiful.  Here is an amazing flower bed in the middle of a yard.  I told 2nd Man we should carve out something like this sometime.  I'm not sure I can identify all the flowers in this picture (feel free to add them in the comments) but we like how it's just a strip in the middle of the yard.  Not against a fence or along a house or driveway, it's just a patch of flowers.  

Of course, I know it's a lot of work but hey, it doesn't hurt to plan for the future.  

Be inspired!


  1. What a beautiful array of variety,color and textures.
    A person can always dream on having something like this and then hiring a gardener to take care of it. :}

    1. Yep, that's so true. Hey, we just look for inspiration, never sure if it will come out like that but it does remind us of what is possible someday, ha.

  2. Those are very pretty flowers. I would try to identify some of them for you but I don't have my glasses near and am too lazy to look for them right now.

    1. LOL that's ok, hey I just look at go "pretty colors. must have more." ha.

  3. Gorgeous. Obviously, they planted all annuals that bloom at the same time. I love flowers too. At the city house, the former owner planted much of the property in perennials and planted them so they bloom one after the other - continuously. I think I'm too old to do all that plant research now, but you whippersnappers have lots of time and brain cells left to figure it out. I used to shop at Teas Nursery in Bellaire and so informative. I am told there is a park there now.

    1. Yep, I think perennials is the way to go for us too. Especially with our weather it's best to just have color that lasts across at least a couple of.seasons, ha. Teas Nursery!!!! Yes, it's gone, one of the best nurseries in Houston,. So sorry to see it go. Still enjoy Buchanan's in the Heights (which has gotten much bigger) and then Cornelius is still around too.

  4. I love flowers, they're so pretty and they lift my spirit. This year I'm planning my first flower gardens. One will be a butterfly/bee garden with pollinators to attract them. The other will be a Moon garden with flowers and ornamental grass that shines at night. I'm really hoping it all works out! That bed of flowers looks like lots of work, but then again, is it really work for those of us who enjoy playing in the dirt? :)

    1. Don't they though? I think they just make us smile. Heck, even marigolds make us smile when we drive up and see them blooming.

      A moon garden? I LOVE that idea. That is so cool, please do share when you do it, that's been on a list for us too but much farther down the list, we need other flower beds first so we have pretty during the day, ha. But I would LOVE to see the reflected moonlight in a garden at night. Out full moons out there are sometimes so bright you don't need a flashlight at night you can actually read by it.

  5. Really pretty and colorful! This flowerbed looks like it has been planted on a low mound - to give the effect of the pink and purple petunias cascading down. I love the color combination of pinks, purple, and yellow.

    1. You know I didn't notice that but you're right it does look like a mound. Hmm. Interesting. Yep, a lot of these we save and post are ideas for color palettes. We'll see what happens!

  6. I see pansies and sunflowers. I don't know the rest. I'm more of a veggie girl than a flower girl. :-)

    1. That's ok, thanks!!!! And yep, I love the veggies more too but I just want us to have some color at the farm too. We'll see what happens.

  7. Looking at the perfection, I am reminded of something I read about all the lovely flower gardens in magazines and online--they put pots of flowers in the beds to fill it in with color and blooming flowers before the shoot. It is not as perfect as it seems. However, I am sure you guys will have the perfect flower garden. If not, just buy some pots of flowers and set them in with the planted flowers like the pros

    1. Hey, that's actually a brilliant idea. someone could do that with any flower bed, wherever there are gaps, just put some pots in ground. Nothing wrong with that, ha. Thanks!!!


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