
Friday, March 31, 2017


Last weekend, as I relaxed on the porch I decided to kick off my work boots.  I had socks on so I put on the black rubber boots and went to walk around a wet area of the yard.  After I was done, I came back to the porch and took them off to put these back on.  I started to just grab them, stick my feet in and go...

Do you see it there?  
Down inside the dark?  
It's there inside the circle if you look hard...

A wasp!  It had wandered in and was exploring when I came back and was about to put the shoe on.  I saw it climbing around and had to get a couple of pictures before it flew away.

One thing we've learned about the farm, always, ALWAYS, check your shoes before putting them on.  Normally it would be for spiders of course.  Or maybe an occasional mouse.  But now it's wasps!

The weekend is almost here!


  1. Hi First Man,
    I read something recently about our troops in the desert regions using knee-highs to "seal" the tops of their boots to make sure no critters could crawl in there. They pulled the stockings off, and shook out any stowaways before putting on their boots.

    This is my first time commenting -- I enjoy reading of your efforts on the farm!

    1. Well first of all, WELCOME!!!! Thank you for commenting!!! Now that's a smart idea about knee-highs. Might just have to remember that. And they have some nasties over there for sure, ha.

      Hope you comment again, sometimes I can't reply right away but always try to come back and catch them. Welcome!!!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! And yes, we ALWAYS check our shoes before putting them on. The wasps were very energetic at our country place last weekend. going to have to look for new nests next time. They always seem to build them in the worst spots.

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Yep, you just kind of have to make it a habit of shaking them huh? And those wasps, ugh, they are always building somewhere they shouldn't ha. Thanks again!!

  3. I always shake my Garden shoes out before putting them on. They are kept in the garage but anything could be in them.

    1. The funny thing is, I only had these off for a few minutes. I need to get in the habit of ALWAYS shaking them out no matter what!!

  4. I have learned (through experience) to shake my garden gloves also. I am notorious for taking mine off and leaving them on a plant while I do something that requires more "feel" than I get with gloves. When I put them back on I have had a little friend in there, once a bee and another time a wasp. You would think I would have learned after the first time, but some of us are slow learners.

    1. OOH YEAH!!! Garden gloves. I'll admit to not always following that advice. Need to make that a habit. Yikes, be careful!! (or is that bee careful? ha)

  5. And even snakes, oh my. Didn't see a thing and the red ones really hurt. Also. don't leave a soda can, then go back for a drink. They even get in there.

    1. Yep, those wasps hurt, and can sting over and over. Ugh. I always check my cup before I take a drink but didn't think about the small dark hole of a soda can. Yikes!!!

  6. Yikes! I thought it was a spider, but a wasp! A spider might not bite you, but the wasp would certainly sting if he encountered you. I even shake out the shoes in my closet because the occasional palmetto bug gets in the house and I've found a couple of them in my closet.


    1. I do shake out everything in the house too. And I open all closet doors and drawer "carefully" is the best way to describe it.

  7. Ok, now, on the count of three Everyone do the Shimmy Shake. :}
    I was thinking that maybe a spider had gotten in your shoe but not a wasp. Sneaky little bugger wasn't he?
    Next time, maybe put a plastic grocery bag over top of your shoes or have plastic Rubbermaid container on the porch to throw your shoes in when you take them off and put others on or spray with wasp spray after taking them off.
    I keep my pairs of gardening shoes and work gloves in a plastic container and I don't have to worry about anything inside them when it's time for me to go out and garden. They are clean as a whistle and no creepy surprises.

    1. Of course my shoes,(putting fabric softener sheet in each shoe)caps, gloves,(which I have several pairs) etc are Washed and Dried before storing in enclosed container.

    2. OOH, great idea about the plastic containers. Especially with the gloves too. Thanks. And fabric softener sheets keep it all fresh too. Thanks!!!

  8. The smell must have attracted it. :)

    1. Now that made me laugh!!! Possible, definitely possible.... ;-P

  9. Ouch. Wasps can be nasty little beasts. Years back one stung me while I was swimming. In the underarm which added insult to injury.
    I am glad you escaped.

    1. I was stung by one out there once, and it went up my tshirt and got me in three places. It hurt for days. I can't imagine the underarm!!!!

  10. i lived in austin. scorpions! always check your shoes!

    1. OH YES! In fact, just saw a scorpion the other day. I dispatched it quickly. They always make me nervous.

  11. I once tried to put my shoes on and wondered why my foot wouldn't fit in. A horrible cane toad was in there and I had been pressing down on his back with my foot !!! Yuk ! These days I always stand firmly on the toe part of my shoes before I put my toes in there to squash any spiders that might be lurking in there !

    1. A TOAD? Yuk!!!! that would traumatize me too, ha. Smart to step on the toe end. Thanks for that tip!!!

  12. Wearing sandals cuts down on critters. However, my outdoor dirty rain boots are shook out before wearing. I would not put anything in a plastic box that was tight enough to keep all critters out. Plastic enclosure ruins leather. Any gloves or shoes would have just enough moisture, even cotton things, to cause mildew. One of the lingerie bags would be my choice for an enclosure. Of course, guys' boots would not fit in one of those. I like the knee high solution. Both my shoes would fit there.

    Wearing sandals did help me scoop up a bumble bee last year. Since I thought it was a little stick, I kept walking and got a bad sting.

    I am glad you saw him before you put your foot inside the shoe. That would have ruined a day.

    1. hmm, interesting thoughts, thanks for that too. sandals don't work for us because some areas have thorny things. And fire ants. We have fire ants. Demon insects....ha.

  13. I always check my shoes, I have had spiders and bees fly in them :) I have not been bit or stung yet (knock on wood)

    1. KNOCK ON WOOD with ya! Yep, it's got to be a habit we get into for everything. Thanks!!

  14. Wish this was a video. I think we'd hear the wasp coughing and gasping for air! Ha :-)

    1. LOL now that's the second time I've laughed out loud. ha. I'm sure it was the sweet smell of flowers and roses that lured it in.....LOL!!!!!!!

  15. Brave wasp! Going into a hasmat situation like that. ;-)

    I'm really glad you didn't get hurt. I've stuck my hand in a place wasps had taken over and suffered the consequences, I don't wish that on anyone, especially not you.

    1. Y'all are cracking me up tonight!!! Wasp stings are horrible. much worse than bees. Thank you sweet Alison!!

  16. Yikes!! So glad that your sharp eyes caught that shoe-intruder!

    1. Yep, I took a break and sat there and was just looking around and caught a glimpse!


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