
Friday, April 14, 2017


We wish we could say this was a trash room find but we bought these...but a person in our building posted an email to the residents that she had some items for sale and among them were these.  

When we saw saw the picture, we immediately said YES!

Assorted Apothecary Jars
A set of five apothecary jars.  Or maybe not so much a set, since they are all different but they are beautiful.  The skinny one is more than two feet high.

We've never had these types of jars but know they are wildly popular in decorating now.  And the best part?  $10 each.  I'm pretty sure that's a good deal, I've see the tall for for $39.95 or more in stores. 

Not sure how many we will keep in town at the apartment and how many will make their way to the farm, or even how we'll use them for that matter, but we think we scored a most excellent deal on these!


  1. LUCKY. GUY. Those are at least $25 each In most places (they look large). Great deal!!!

  2. Pasta in the tall ones? Fruit or home baked biscuits in the flatter ones? And chocolates in the bell shaped one?

    Whatever. They're stunning :D

    1. Never thought about pasta, that's cool. Thanks! And they would be great at a dinner with company and putting desserts and stuff in them.

  3. Replies
    1. I don't who that is but shhh, don't tell her we have them, LOL!


      see what she does with her jars in this post!

  4. i have a thing for apothecary jars! i often find them at thrift stores! i fill the ones at the guest house with peanut m&m's and reeses cups.

    1. I understand why, I've fallen in love with these, ha. They could be addicting. I just wish we had the space for more. I bet they are pretty with colorful M&M's like that. Awesome!

  5. Great to decorate with candy etc at Christmas. Terrific find.

    1. Oooh, yeah, and even small ornaments (like the shiny ball ornaments). Cool!

  6. If you don't want to put food in them, you could keep seasonal decorations in them. Christmas ornaments, Halloween brains, fake Easter eggs, pine cones fake flowers, anything you want to showcase but that has no natural way to display. I would NOT want those filled with goodies people were going to put their hands in--germs left to grow over time, breakage, just unwieldy looking for serving...that's just me.

    They were a good deal and really pretty shapes.

    1. Seasonal is great too. I like that idea for different things each holiday and/or season! I can see why someone wouldn't want hands in there but maybe for special dinner events or something too. Thanks for the suggestions!!

    2. If it were a smaller dish, putting hands in would not be so bad. However, those might have to sit forever with handled candy before it was all consumed. You would have to buy several bags of candy to fill any of those to a respectable level. I can eat candy touched by others, just not candy left for maybe days where the germs can flourish.

  7. Definitely a good find. And fun to consider how you will use them too.

    1. Thanks, there will be lots of uses coming in our future.

  8. A great buy at a good price! I really like the variety of shapes and sizes. The assorted-colors foil wrapped Easter eggs and candy kisses would look so pretty in some of them.

    1. I think colorful things would be awesome. I was thinking even at Easter (of course too late this year, ha) but those plastic eggs would be colorful and pretty.

  9. What a great find! Since they make seasonal candy all year long it just seems appropriate to fill them with goodies__then invite me over!

  10. OMGosh! Those are so cool! I love all the ideas everyone has especially the seasonal idea. This is a great find!

  11. OMGosh! Those are so cool! I love all the ideas everyone has especially the seasonal idea. This is a great find!

  12. What a steal. You done good. There are a great many uses for them jars. Put a string of battery operated lights in them for any holiday or just for mood lighting. Store wine corks in them, fill with lemons, limes, apples, etc. Make Christmas / or any holiday scenes;

    Add decorative sand and sea shells

    Ideas for your jars.

  13. I have been meaning to stop by since you left a comment. Yes, I too love apothecary jars and have done several post of them. I have a lot od different sizes and shapes, and switch them around constantly. I also change the contents every season, sometimes twice. It's fun to come up with ideas for them. Christmas is my favorite. I have also used them in the bath for various sizes of soaps for guests, and smaller ones for q-tips, cotton balls etc. Keeps so posted on their use and thank you for stopping in. Come back again!


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