
Monday, April 3, 2017


Weekend garden update.  Only a couple weeks in the ground and it all seems to be doing well.  I forgot my camera so I had to use my phone, and of course forgot a few pics.  The okra is growing and the cukes are reaching for the trellis.  Oh and the squash has grown a bit too, albeit somewhat slower.   

These are the eggplants, both growing well and this one has a bloom on it already!  I'm sensing one of our favorite snacks in the near future...

The tomatoes are growing, about half again as big as they were last week.  Hoping for some tomato sauce canning a couple of months...

JalapeƱos are growing nicely...

And these are the turnip seeds I planted. I need to thin these out next weekend when they are a bit bigger and will plant some more in empty spaces.  I think there were some beet sprouts too but they were really small and scattered not so much in a row so I wasn't sure what might be a weed sprouting.  I need to see a more obviously planned row, ha.  

Keep on growing!!!


  1. looks like everything is coming along nicely.
    noticed this morning that some of my pepper plants are blooming and also picked a couple more strawberries

    1. Thanks!! Yay for fresh strawberries!! And I hope we have some more blooms soon. Though we're supposed to have 40's this week. Hope that doesn't set anything back.

  2. I have such envy! I was finally able to get out and clean my garden beds out yesterday, but we still can't plant here until mid-May.

    1. Oh, you'll get there, no worries. And when we're 100 degrees, we'll be envious of you!! ha.

  3. Eat the tops of things you thin. Also, the root crops are tender in salads. It looks like you have a good start on things.

    1. Thank you. I could snack on them as I thin them! ;-)

  4. Everything is looking great and not a weed to be seen...very nice!

    1. Thank you for that. Yes, the straw on top of the beds and the quality landscape fabric on the ground has made ALL the difference in the world. It's helping me keep the garden more self sufficient.

  5. Looks great. When I thin my broccoli and cauliflower seedlings (which I did just yesterday), I replant them in any spare spaces I have. I don't like wasting them. I wait till they are a good size, about 4 in or more. Just be careful to handle them from the leaves not the stem and try not to disturb the roots of the other seedlings too much. Push a stick or small hand tool down into the soil to get underneath the seedlings to come up. Give the transplanted seedlings a really good, gentle water. It's worth trying as you have the plants anyway and you will know within the week whether they have transplanted successfully or not.

    1. What a great idea. I love that, it does seem sort of wasteful. Though I'd really like to snack on a few too. I'll let them get a bit bigger and see what I can do.

  6. Oh, now I get it!! You are using those red supports for the plants in order to be visible from space when google comes flying! It looks very promising and I look forward to the exciting event of growing. I am growing beens again this year, perhaps cucumber, we'll see. Mostly I end up with the most stunning weeds in the neighbourhood, but hey, someone has got to take them on!! The good Lord told us to be alert of the weeds so I am practising hard!! Blessings to you!!!

    1. LOL that made me laugh. Thank you!!! We almost did beans but I ran out of time, ha. Stay tuned. And many blessing back to you!!! Thank you always for your kind comments!

  7. Hopefully, you'll be sharing recipes from your harvest!

    1. Definitely Jimmy!!! In fact, this Wednesday I'll have.a recipe that 2nd Man makes with veggies thats a sort of ratatouille. It's one reason we planted the plants we did because we love it so much, ha.

  8. Replies
    1. You'll be there soon!! And like I said further up, when we're 100 degrees and dying and nothing will grow, you'll be having great results, ha.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you. We're so pleased with how it's all coming along from last season to this. Thanks again!

  10. That eggplant has such pretty leaves and blooms - as pretty as an ornamental. Everything looks so healthy and is really growing well. Some great meals coming up!
    A tip: I can identify my beet seedlings by their red stalks - they are red even at that early stage.
    It was such a gorgeous, sunny, not-windy day - it was heavenly to spend time in the garden today.

    1. Doesn't it? The flower is beautiful. Okra flowers are beautiful too. Thanks for the beet seedlings tip! I'll look this coming weekend.

      Oh my wasn't the weather glorious!!! Wow, I was at work what I wouldn't have given to have been outside in the yard.

  11. 1st Man,

    I hope you and 2nd Man are well and were not affected by all the storms. I'm just now getting internet at the country home/farm.

    Love your garden beds, the vegetables are coming along nicely......I'm going to live through you vicariously.....because I have no garden as of yet. Still unpacking,and preparing for installing rain gutters,and leveling areas of land.

    1. Yep, they skirted around both he farm and in town. Though a week ago, Houston had 5 recorded tornado touchdowns. Scary times.

      Thank you much and I can't wait to see what y'all come up with!!! Hugs to you!

  12. I love the square and brightly colored plant cages. Functional and pretty!

    1. It all started with one red tomato cage then I got a catalog in the mail that had them in different shapes and sizes, in red, and I just couldn't resist!!! Thanks!!!


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