
Sunday, April 16, 2017


Hope you all have a wonderful Easter.  

Our weekend the farm was cut short due to weather but hey, at least everything is getting watered!

Weekend update later, got stuff done (yay) but got stung by a wasp (boo)...

..but at least there is always chocolate to make everything better!


  1. hope you are not allergic to wasps. and the chocolate looks dee-lish!

  2. Chocolate makes wasp stings better. Apply chocolate. Well, to your mouth. I would just cry and drool chocolate.

  3. Chocolates makes Everything better; even if you're having a bad day.

    To one and all: Here’s to hoping this Easter holiday brings your family health, happiness, and lots of love.

  4. We have chocolate goodies too! :) It poured rain all day here, but I'm thankful for no snow! Happy Easter! :)

  5. I love your vintage Easter card - so pretty! And of course, gotta have lots of chocolate - especially that gold bunny.
    Hope y'all's Easter was wonderful!

  6. I'm sad to hear you got stung! Hopefully it isn't too painful! AND I'm very willing to help you consume the healing chocolate to make the healing go faster. ;-D

  7. I'm sad to hear you got stung! Hopefully it isn't too painful! AND I'm very willing to help you consume the healing chocolate to make the healing go faster. ;-D

  8. 1st Man,

    Happy Easter to You and Yours!

  9. I hope your Easter was a good one! I am originally from Harrisburg which is just 15 minutes from Hershey, so I have spent slot of time there. It's a beautiful town. I was just there Easter weekend and did a post there. I must follow your blog....many good ideas here!!


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