
Thursday, April 20, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Tree stump dining set up, image courtesy of
This is just cute.  And pretty.  And rustic.  
And well, it just hits all the points that we love.  I'm not sure we have any trees that could but turned into stump seats like this but hey, maybe someone nearby does.  It would make a nice little breakfast table in the woods for sure.

Be inspired!


  1. What a darling little sitting area. Could even have seating for 2 if you couldn't find as many stumps as shown; can always add to it.
    Now if a person could find some old tractor seats (each spray painted a different color) to mount on the stumps a person would have a back rest as well, plus had a bit more rustic charm to the sitting area.

    1. It would be easy to "add furniture" wouldn't it? Ha. I have seen something with old tractor seats, I like that idea too. Thanks!!

  2. I love the stumps! I don't mean for you to hope for disaster, but after tornadoes, there is plenty of stump material around for the taking. underneath the cloth, the table base looks like faux bamboo. I wonder if you could get a larger stump for the table base and add a top.

    Just wondering--will you ever put in a wood stove and need wood to burn? Or, will you put in an alternate source of heat?

    1. You know, we have storm season coming. Hey, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade right? ha.

      We haven't given much thought to alternative heat sources, we do think of having electricity but we do need some alternative plan. We don't get freezing often but we do and it can last a few days. And with the weather changing who knows.

  3. Years ago when we were shopping for the lake place one of the houses we looked at had stump stools and a stump table at the water's edge. It is such a cool look and they were actually pretty comfortable. They did have a poly finish on the "seat" tops, which I imagine kept derrière splinters to a minimum.

    1. Derriere splinters now THAT'S something to think about ha. I'll remember that. It's definitely a cool look for sure.

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, one of those things you see and go "wow, I could to that".

  5. I love the idea of using nature like this for al fresco dinning!

    1. And of course it would have to be fabulous!!!! I would put a hanging candle chandelier of some sort. And crystal vases on the table. We might be in the country but we can't be savages, right? Ha.


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