
Saturday, April 29, 2017


This is one of my favorite cartoons...

...and I'm sure 2nd Man would agree with this 100%.

Off to the farm today, but by myself. He has to work (big project at work) and tomorrow is most likely going to be a washout.  So I'm going to be doing what I can, perhaps mowing if needed, checking the garden, and possibly planting some trees. Oh and I hope to grab some of those Horton Who flowers.  I want to press them and also see how long they last in a small vase.  More updates later! 

Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


  1. Have a great day.
    Wind blowing like crazy here but then it wouldn't be Texas now would it if we had no wind. I'm sure glad I done my burning the other day with only a very light breeze.
    Think I will spend my afternoon canning up some salsa.

    1. Cute cartoon but growing your own veggies, etc. Always taste better than store bought.
      Save money; share / exchange seeds with a friend :}
      There ya go 1st Man; start up a seed exchange.

    2. It is true, it might be more expensive but in the long run, nothing tastes better. And I like the idea of a.seed exchange!!

  2. Start a farming business, and it will all be deductible. We are having a rainy April and can't do much outside.

    1. Now there's a thought! And since it would not be profitable it's all a write off ha. Thanks! Hope the rain lets up for you soon!

  3. LOVE the cartoon. (I suppose that's why I'm $500 Tomato) I think we only had 1 good year with the tomatoes. Maybe I should call myself Weedville this year...;)

    1. LOL, that is too funny I never thought about that. We do spend a lot getting those wonderful fresh veggies don't we?

  4. The cartoon is so true.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. :) Funny, I just went out and spent $50 on soil, manure and pots lol...I try to tell myself that I'll be knee deep in veggies all summer to make up the cost, it could be true! But it's just such a great hobby as well. If I look at gardening as a hobby, then I don't mind spending more money on it! :) Have a great weekend at the farm :)

    1. That's what I tell myself (and 2nd Man, ha). Hey, there are worse hobbies, right? Thank you as always!!!

  6. I was going to mention the $500 Tomato, but I see she is here. It's not like you have to buy new equipment every year! Some people save seeds. And, some people compost so as not to have to buy new soil or fertilizers. But, gardening is a great activity for the family, getting exercise, and sun. I hear women complaining about their husband and his "damned garden." He could be chasing

    Yes, I do know you realize the benefits.

    1. Ha!!! Great minds!!! You know it's a very good point. There are initial expenses and there a lot of it is reusable. At least 2nd Man doesn't have to worry about me chasing women...LOL!!!!!!!

  7. The cartoon is so funny and so true! But the joy we all get from our gardens is beyond money plus we know exactly what is going into our produce.
    It was sooo windy today! Hoping it was better at the Farm and that you had a good, productive day there and that you found some Horton Who's flowers to press.
    It looks like we might get some thunderstorms tonight. My garden needs the rain but hoping it's not severe weather. Tomorrow's supposed to be lovely and cool - a great day to be outside!

    1. You can't put a price on joy can you? And I do love every minute I'm doing it, even when it's hot and hard work. Alas, no whoville flowers, they disappeared completely, just as quickly as they appeared. Sigh.

  8. Oh yes, so true your cartoon. Finally after years of buying seeds and bedding plants we are now active in seed saving and bartering for perennials from other gardening friends. It all takes time.

    1. Thanks, I will have to cultivate (pun intended, ha) some relationships with neighbors and friend nearby. Thanks!!

  9. I agree your own veggies are tastier than store bought.
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    1. Thank YOU for all your kind comments. I need to make time to visit your lovely blog regularly, you have such beautiful pictures.


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