
Saturday, May 20, 2017


We're off to the farm and the original plan was to spend the night.  But, the weather is supposed to get  possibly severe tonight and then into all day Sunday.  

Since we both have to go to work Monday, we can't take a chance of getting stuck out there in a big rain.  So it's out there today to do what we can before the weather moves in later.  2nd Family says no mowing will be necessary because we haven't had any rain in a couple of weeks and I mowed last weekend.

So we'll find some projects to do, and I'll take lots of pictures as always and check in later!


  1. The worse of the storms missed us last night/early this morning.
    We only received 1/2 inch
    Our yard needs mowing...........again but have been busy working on building my shed so mowing the yard will have to wait a few more days.
    Enjoy your day

    1. The farm had (as I type this tonight) about an inch total. Not a huge amount we could have used more but we'll take what nature gives us, ha.

  2. I love it when the summer comes and yard needs mowing about ever two or three weeks. Of course, mine is mostly weeds right now.

    1. OH it's the best isn't it? I like the rain but when we get regular rain it has to be mowed once a week, ha.

  3. The gardens will get a good boost from this much-needed rain. Hope you have a great day at the Farm!

  4. Replies
    1. Sorry answering this after the fact, we DID have fun, ha.

  5. We have had a few severe storms roll through in the last 2 days. This has been a strange season. Rainy, cold, rainy, hot, rain, rain, rain...I would love to see some temperate weather for a few days at least. At least all the plants are happy.

    1. The weather has been VERY weird here. Tonight as I type this we're cool again, highly unusual for us this time of year.

  6. On Friday our skies were gray and threatening. Thunder rumbled a few times--once when Franklin and Penelope had just gone out. They skittered back inside in a hurry. But it never rained.


    1. I hate when the weather teases us like that, ha. Stay safe though!!!


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