
Tuesday, May 2, 2017


So after the "great freeze" earlier this year, we lost several plants...or so we thought! 

This was the wonderful Aloe Vera we had (my fault entirely, I forgot to put it inside before we left before the freeze).  I saw a bit of green but wasn't sure. 
So we just left it to sit...

This past weekend I cleaned it up, pulled out the red and found GREEN!  So we have aloe growing once again.  Hopefully it will fill up over the next few months.  This is about the size we originally started with when 2nd Family gave us some.

These are some hanging baskets, ferns and underneath all that, a hanging planter with some Texas lantana.  The ferns were definitely DOA, and so was all the lantana...or was it?

There was still one piece alive and actually blooming now!  So I carefully dug it out, and put it in the ground in the flowerbed.  YAY!

And lastly, here were the avocado trees.  Dead and even the trunk and branches were dead and snapped when you broke them. I put them at the end of the porch and left them. Occasionally I watered them, "just in case" but only when I remembered.  
I was about ready to toss them when...


They erupted in leaves and are growing!  I'm not sure if they will become trees again because they are sprouting up from all around the dead center "trunk", but hey, we'll take "avocado bushes" if we can get them.  As long as they someday produce avocados, we'd be more than happy, bushes or trees!



  1. Plant resilience! Gotta love it!
    My mom has been griping because I did not dig out my hydrangeas after they seemingly died from our extreme drought last year. I had decided I would give them a while longer and now every one of them is living. I need to cut them back substantially but still they live.

    1. Aren't they though? I love it for sure. Now that being said we do have a few that DID die and aren't coming back, ha. But if some did that we had given up on, I'm ok with that. We'll take what we can get!

  2. Lucky,lucky,lucky. Avocado bushes would be easier to harvest too.
    I really wish some of the past plants in our world would resurrect. Not a happening thing though.

    1. Oh that would be nice huh? Easier to harvest is a good thing, ha. Oh my there are some great plants that would be great if they could come back huh?

  3. Are you Avocado trees grafted? It will make a difference if the new growth is coming from above the graft or below. Regardless, congrats on your lucky revivals!

    1. Ohhh, that's a great point. I'm not sure I'll have to check on that. Thanks for point that out.

  4. Amazing. I often give my outdoor plants a full year if they look dead. Did that with a fig and glad I did.

    1. A full year? I'll have to remember that. Thanks!!!

  5. I’m so glad that you found some resurrection surprises in your yard. Isn’t it amazing how “life finds a way”! Patience and hope - great lessons from Nature.

    1. Yep, that is a most excellent lesson for sure!

  6. I really love the urge to live that gives us so many surprises in the spring. Many people probably give up too soon.

    1. "The urge to live". that's a pretty powerful statement too. Thanks for that. Patience is the key. ;-)

  7. How great is that!.........Seeing things come back to life again.
    The lantana comes back every year; Bigger than ever each and every year. and hard to dig up and transplant once it gets well established.
    How wonderful your aloe and avocado has new life again.
    What really gets me is when you see these big hardware stores throwing away perfectly good plants because they think they are dead, and they are only dormant but have found out that they can't sell them cause they (the stores) gets full credit for any and all plants that get thrown in the dumpster. Of course they use dumpsters that a person can't get into :{
    Such a waste throwing away perfectly good plants.

    1. Oh, I HATE the thought of what is thrown away. At the Home Depot I go to, they quite often put those "sickly looking plants" on deep discount at the back corner of the garden area. So I check that out when I can. I'd love to be able to go in the dumpster area and look around. Such a waste for sure. Especially for something still alive.

  8. i always love these surprises. nature is amazing!

    1. They come up when we least expect it (hmm, I guess that's the definition of a surprise, ha).

  9. What a nice surprise! I love Nature!!! :) Do you harvest the aloe for medicinal use 1st Man? You know, I have a rosemary plant that looks kaputz...I'm hoping it'll come back to life too!

    1. We have only used the aloe for the traditional, burns, sunburns, stings, cuts, etc. But I need to read up on the uses some more. Oh and don't give up on your rosemary, we had one too that was crispy but I watered as if it weren't and it sprouted back. Nature finds a way!!!

    2. That's encouraging! Mine looks like a dessert plant at the moment, but once the weather gets warm, it's going back outside and I'll water it like it's alive and well. :)


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