
Saturday, June 24, 2017


This is the view from the apartment this morning when we woke up.  Heavy rain, lightning, wind. Sigh.

The farm is under that lower line of storms and there are more storms coming behind that.  These are very slow moving storms so there has already been some street flooding.

2nd Family send us this picture, along with the news that we've already had 2" of rain (as of 2 hours ago) with more coming today...

...and tomorrow and Monday and maybe Tuesday and well, you can see.  Looks like it just might be a wet week for us.

There will be no farm this weekend for us.  Sigh.  Maybe it's nature telling us to take a break.  Time for some future planning and daydreaming!

Hope your weekend is off to a better start!


  1. Glorious sun here, but I'd better not speak too soon!

  2. Storms started here around 2AM. Received 1 1/2 inches but wasn't really no hard rain; just a steady, gently rain and really not much wind to speak of either. It did finally quit raining around noon or a bit after.

    1. Our rain here was briefly heavy but never overwhelming. It stopped as quick as it fell and that gave time for things to drain off.

  3. we had the remnants of that gulf tropical storm come thru here last night/this morning. so humid/muggy outside; I am staying indoors because I cannot breathe under those conditions.

    1. That tropical storm moved through fast. Hope you stayed inside safe and sound.

  4. No rain here. Again. Enjoy your planning and day dreams.

  5. We had storms or rain for about four days, so today is the beginning of four days with no rain. My friend lives about three miles from all the damage that happened in Fairfield, AL, part of metro-Birmingham. There was an amazing amount of damage for an F2 tornado.

    1. Hope you stay dried. I didn't realize that you were that close to the storm. I saw it on the Weather Channel.

  6. geeze! and ths is after cindy? i wonder if that is coming my way?

    1. Yep, we actually have more from this (a rare cool front) than we did from Cindy.

  7. Is your rain the result of the storm that formed in the Gulf of Mexico? It didn't rain here yesterday, for the first time in many days, and it's not supposed to rain today. I hope my son can mow the yard tomorrow. The backyard smells terrible because we've had standing water for such a long time. Franklin went out to roll in the grass. Now he stinks, too!


    1. Nope, this was a random cool front that wasn't too cool but the cool-ish weather hit the warm humid weather and created storms. Oh, I know how that smell is, we had that at the farm after some heavy, standing water rains. It was like a swamp. ha. Hope Franklin is smelling clean now. :-)

  8. It has been raining cats and dogs here for 4 days, so no lake place for us this weekend. The downside is our grass at home is over our ankles now, but too wet to mow.

    1. I am afraid for what the grass will be like next weekend. Ugh. Hang in there.

  9. We have had sun,dry weather. There are several wildfires burning.
    I'm not into hot,humid weather :)

    1. Oh wildfires are so scary. I hope you guys stay safe! Humid heat is the worst.

  10. Too bad you couldn't get out to the Farm this weekend. But you needed a rest after all the work you've done!
    We got a little over an inch of needed rain. Looks like we might get some more today. Since I couldn't go outside, I brought the garden inside and made some dill relish with the almost-last of my cucumbers. I'm making sweet pickle relish today. My canning cabinet is almost full!

    1. In a way it was nice to have rest. You're right. I would love to see your canning cabinet I bet it looks beautiful. Hope you had a good weekend, even inside!!!


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