
Monday, July 24, 2017


It was hot.  So so hot.  And humid.  But that goes without saying this time of year in these parts.  

Duck comes to visit
2nd Family's duck came to visit.  After I mowed, he was right there running around the front yard.  Love having their furred and feathered family members come to visit.  It's the best of both worlds, we get to play with them and enjoy having them around and then they go back home, ha.  

Here is the harvest basket for this weekend.  It looks a lot like the one last week.  These will probably be the last of the eggplants, there are two more small ones on the bush but I'm guessing the heat will put that to an end.  The okra is fizzling out too, not sure what happened.  Not enough water?  Too much water?  Something got to it?  We thought okra was pretty much indestructible. 

Jalapeno Queso Fresco
I made this quick snack with some of our jalapeños.  I simply took a roasted jalapeño, finely minced it up and mixed it into some Queso Fresco (Mexican crumbling cheese).  Then we sprinkled that over some chips and added some fresh sliced on top.

So easy and good (but spicy!).  

Our Happy Place
This was a birthday present this year from a very sweet friend and we got it hung up at the farm.  She and I were talking once about the farm and I mentioned to her how happy we are when we are there and she said when she saw this, she knew it was perfect for us.  We told her we'd put it on the blog and I have been meaning to post a picture of it. 

The farm is indeed Our Happy Place!
(thank you "D", we luv ya!) 

For those that missed yesterday's post, click this link to see some LAND SHARKS at the farm, LOL!


  1. The sound of your lawnmower probably sounds like a dinner bell to your neighboring duck - it’s easy pickings of all the insects stirred up by the mowing.
    Those are some nice looking eggplants and jalapenos. I didn’t know that eggplant was this heat tolerant. As for the okra, mine is producing like crazy. It's puzzling as to why yours is in decline.
    Your jalapeno snack looks really good.
    That Happy Place gift is perfect for your Farm!

  2. Although I put my chickens up during mowing, they loved getting out into the grass for all the tasty bugs. Well, they just loved the yard. I had no idea what "shark week" was, so asked my friend who clued me in to the idea.

    I had grubs in my lawn that was destroying the grass. But, after a few years, the chickens eliminated those. I joked that I needed to rent out my chickens like people rent goats.

  3. A visit from the duck sounds similar to a visit from a grandchild. It's hot and humid here, too. We continue to have a thunderstorm almost every day.


  4. What a great wall hanging and thoughtful gift. Just an idea for your eggplant if the plant itself is still vibrant and healthy, a rough canopy of shade cloth above might give it the relief it needs from the hot sun. I do that for our tomatoes, capsicums and eggplants when temps hit above 40ºC here. Otherwise they shrivel up and get heat stressed.

  5. our humidity is finally breaking this evening for a few days. i need the break! that is such a perfect gift for your farm!

  6. 1st Man,

    I agree,it's HOT..Hot..Hot!!!

    Stay cool, and don't work to long out in the heat.

    Queso Fresco and Jalapenos now you're talking ~HA~

    Nothing like a dear friend to provide you with an amazing gift. Love this picture.


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