
Friday, July 14, 2017


Several of you asked about these in the post the other day about our slow cooker pot roast.

Reynolds Slow Cooker Liners
 They are made by Reynolds and are PTSP free so that's good and, hopefully, safe.

They have them at most grocery stores we've been in but of course you can always find them in different quantities HERE AT AMAZON.

Since I didn't take closeup before and after pictures of the liner with the pot roast, I looked through my photos and found these from one time when I made the yummy slow cooker BBQ ribs.  

Put your bag in first.  It's a large bag so it fits all sizes and shapes, with the excess just hanging over the edge.  Add the ingredients, pop the lid on and cook. These ribs were in for about 7 hours...

Slow Cooker Liners
...then just take the food out when it's done (obviously be careful with knives and/or forks) and lift the bag out. Remember, it will probably have a lot of liquid in it.  

It leaves your crockpot just as clean as it was when you started. Honestly though, we don't use them all the time, heck half the time I forget to buy them, ha.  It's not the end of the world if you don't use them but for something that makes cleanup a bit easier, they are worth it.  Especially for something that might be sticky or really messy.  Obviously you wouldn't use these for a slow cooker soup or stew.

Hope this helps!


  1. Gotta love them liners. Reminds me; item to put on my grocery list as I used my last one the other day.
    Here is an extra tip when using your crockpot. Lay a heavy terry towel over your lid while your pot is cooking. It holds in the heat/ steam and your food will get done much faster.

  2. Why would you not use them for a soup or stew?

  3. Replies
    1. The comment about being dangerous was for Colleen and her suggestion to put something over the crockpot.

    2. Not covering the whole crockpot; just laying on top of the lid itself just to keep the steam from escaping. The towel isn't touching anything electrical.
      I'm Always home so it comes down to common sense is not to leave the house just like you wouldn't leave and have a candle burning. If for some reason I should happen to leave; the crockpot is unplugged.

  4. Adding these to the grocery list. Thanks for the review. I have seen them but never bough them before.

  5. I have used these. They stuck and tore.

  6. I don't know about the safety of using these. They are nylon, a petroleum product. It has been shown that petroleum product molecules breakdown over time, even faster with heat and are absorbed by the food(especially fats) it surrounds. This is why BPA(used to harden plastic) is a big deal, which by the way has been used since the 1950's. Sixty years on and it is just beginning to be phased out.
    It is banned in baby bottles and sippy cups. Plastics and food, especially cooking food, just seem like not a good idea to me.

  7. Seems there are concerns about the liners.
    According to the Food and Drug administration (FDA), a minute amount of chemicals from Crock-Pot liners may migrate to food during the cooking process, especially if exposed to high temperatures for a long period of time. However, the FDA has determined, based on current data, the amount of chemical migration poses no health risk. The FDA sets forth acceptable tolerances for contamination from chemical migration. Recent concerns about the dangers of Bisphenol A (BPA) have prompted the FDA to reconsider its use. Many states like Minnesota have banned products that contain BPA; therefore, according to Good Housekeeping, there is little or no risk of exposure to BPA from plastic Crock-Pot liners. Companies that sell Crock-Pot liners will display the "FDA Approved" seal on the packaging to reassure consumers that the product has been thoroughly tested and approved as safe for use with food preparation.

    Can read more about this subject here:

  8. I love these. I store the box of liners right in my crockpot so I don't forget to use one.

  9. I've been using these a few years now. The only time I had a problem was when a sharp bone poked a hole in it, but I've never had them stick. They tout themselves as being free of all the dangerous stuff. I did a quick google and they are supposed to be safe. As one site I read said, we have plastic on our food, in the freezer, our cling wrap, we microwave it, etc. I think as long as you don't buy some weird off brand you should be ok.

  10. 1st Man - I have to ask - Why?

    Is it to save washing up?

    But, what about the added materials that goes to landfill, and take how long to decompose?

    Personally, I'd rather spend 1 minute putting water in the slow cooker to soak any left over food, and then 5 minutes in washing it clean. Much less time than the "decomposing" factor...

  11. I love these liners. I store the box of them in my crockpot so I don't forget to use one.

  12. I do like these, particularly at the cabin where we have older, non removeable crocks. I don't use at home much because the crock part of my cooker cleans up so easy.

  13. I've been using them for years and I use them all of the time for soup without any problem.


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