
Sunday, July 16, 2017


I didn't have to mow, the grass is brown and patchy and hasn't grown much...

I did edge, all around the fruit trees and the house and barns and flowerbeds.  That's always a relief.  It was hot for most of the afternoon, we got close to 100 until the clouds started building...

The rain was coming. I love seeing the rain in the distance raining in just one area...

But it kept coming and getting darker... 

And darker...

Not entirely sure if this was one, but there were reports of funnel clouds in the area (and we were under a tornado warning at one point).  I pulled over on the side of the road to take this picture.    

The farm is that little dot in the middle of the red (heaviest storms/rain).  This was yesterday when I got back into town.  The drive back was pretty intense. 2nd Family said we ended up with about 2 inches of rain...and today is more rain.


  1. your rain eventually ends up here for the most part. we have had sooo much rain this summer. i am having tomato problems and i think it's from the rain and humidity.

  2. That's a lot of rain at once.
    I keep hoping for a good lightening storm, this year they seem to be going around us.

  3. What the photos! The clouds are so dark, I'm always afraid of thunderstorm.
    Have a nice sunny day!

  4. I had some stormy weather coming through here. It only rained about 15 minutes, but elsewhere got much more, hours worth and flooding just south of here. The best part for me was feeling the heat dissipate as the clouds came closer and it became overcast. Of course, as soon as the sun came out, I could feel the heat rising. But, that cool weather in the middle of the day is pleasant.

  5. I love your stormy-cloud pictures. But that last one is kinda suspicious looking.
    All I got today was a brief shower, but yesterday's rain was 1.5, so that was good.

  6. Great pics! I love storms and would rather be outside than inside when one hits. I like to meet trouble head on. Glad you got rain please send some my way in Illinois.

  7. Such wonderful pictures of the storm clouds.
    We had threats of rain; kinda hit and miss here in our area but we where a miss but I do think I counted about 10 sprinkles that came down with the sun shining but Oh, mercy, was it ever hot mowing the yard; No breeze whatsoever and really humid.
    Honestly; I'm ready for Fall.


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