
Friday, August 11, 2017


This Summer, with our really hot and humid days, I've been finding myself worn out after mowing and doing just a bit of yard work.  

It just takes all your energy.  

Gatorade at the farm
2nd Man suggested getting some Gatorade to avoid getting dehydrated and replenish lost nutrients.  

I figured it was worth a try, certainly couldn't hurt. My experience with Gatorade has been only on rare occasions when sick with a stomach bug as it's the only thing that stays down.

While at the farm mowing/edging/etc, I usually consume mass quantities of water but I still always seemed to be worn out.  So I bought some (original lemon/lime, my favorite) and took it to the farm.  

WOW!  What a difference it has made.  Seems like I have more energy after exerting myself and I don't get worn out as quickly as I did before.

Is this why athletes drink it?  Maybe that's why I'm always tired out there in the Summer heat/humidity?    I've just been depleting my body of nutrients/electrolytes? 

Not sure, but whatever the reason for the effect, I like it.  Anything that will keep me going a bit longer each weekend, at least until the cooler weather comes, I'm game for!  And I'll have to try out some other flavors too.

Anyone else a Gatorade fan?



  1. That is one beverage that I try to keep on hand during the summer and it really does make a difference. Sometimes drinking water is just not enough.
    The lemon / lime is also a favorite around here.

  2. I've never been a Gatorade fan, but I don't mow and work in the yard. Yesterday, though, after I carried in loads of groceries, it took me a while to recover.


  3. hydrate BEFORE you go out into the sun and heat.

  4. I have never had Gatorade because the thought makes me feel queasy. The name brings an image of taking alligators and running them though a wringer to squeeze their insides out to drink. GAG!

    Not only do you need to hydrate before, you need to take swigs all along, not just afterwards. Carry some on the mower.

    I went to a gym six days a week for six weeks after an injury and before surgery. I carried a bottle of water and took a glug or two after each machine. The guy managing the gym came to me one day and told me I hydrated the way it should be done--often. He said most people just chugged a bottle after exercising, the wrong way, he said.

    Enjoy the Gatorade in this heat.

  5. My husband used to get migraines. A friend told me to have him drink gatorade as soon as he feels one coming on. He hasn't had a migraine in years. His migraines were being caused by dehydration. I always have gatorade in the house. Glad you are feeling better after drinking it too.

  6. I don't like the taste of Gatorade, but I like Powerade. I've found it's good on those "morning afters", too. (Not that I have many of those!)

  7. Ugh! Two words: Colonoscopy prep.

  8. I'm with Linda- that will always be how I think of Gatorade. Actually makes me ill to drink it, but glad it's helpful for others.

  9. Gatorade tastes good when you're body needs it and it tastes bad when you don't. That's my experience with it. It's when you're drained that it works well.

    Please take care out there! The National Weather Service has been issuing heat advisorys all week.I don't think that's going to change for the next sixty days.

  10. Gatorade tastes good when you're body needs it and it tastes bad when you don't. That's my experience with it. It's when you're drained that it works well.

    Please take care out there! The National Weather Service has been issuing heat advisorys all week.I don't think that's going to change for the next sixty days.

  11. I wish I had some 2 weekends ago. I don't live far from your country house (think Blue Bell ice cream) and I thought I was gonna die from heat exhaustion from working outside. I drank 2 gallons of water that day but of course with a heat index of 115 it didn't do much good. By the way...I just love your blog. Especially inspiration Thursday. Such great ideas.

  12. I keep packages of koolaid and the ingredients to make my own sport's drink. I found this recipe online years ago. Sports Drink (makes 2 quarts)
    1 packet, any flavor, unsweetened kool-aid or similar product
    8 tablespoons sugar (or 10 packets sweetener for a sugar free drink)
    3/8 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teaspoon salt substitute (contains potassium chloride)
    2 quarts water
    This is similar to Gatorade, but not as sweet. You can adjust the sweetness to taste.
    Sodium - 110 mg
    potassium - 38 mg
    per 8 ounce servings


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