
Friday, August 4, 2017


We have kittens!

OK, before everyone gets too excited, I say "we" because this little girl and guy were born somewhere on our property.  I've never seen them but then again, I'm sure a large, loud mower on the property every week is not conducive to curious kittens.

"J" from 2nd Family saw them a couple of weeks ago and has been going out daily with food and water to try to tame them and bring them in. 

Yesterday, she succeeded! 

This is "Abby". 

According to "J", she's a sweet little girl who after only one day and night inside is already snuggling up for some loving...

And this is "Garth".  

He's still a bit shy but she said he runs and plays until he just falls over asleep...

Alas, we can't have them since we aren't living out there but 2nd Family is most likely going to keep them if they don't go to J's brother (he's been wanting a cat and is OK with two). Whatever happens, they will not be separated, they managed to survive together out there in the brush, in this heat, with predators creeping and flying around, so they deserve a home together. 

I can't wait to see them in person this weekend! 

Must. Resist. Kitten. Love.


  1. Oh, God bless 'J' for taking them in and providing a home for them cuties. I don't like to see any animal to go without food and water; especially in this Texas heat. Way to go 'J' for looking out for them.

    1. Yes, she did a great thing. This heat is unbearable for man and tiny animals.

  2. your goose is cooked.
    kitten love is irresistible.

    1. LOL, I was able to avoid it this weekend, she had take them to visit their potential new home so they weren't there when I was there.

  3. Be sure you trap them and get them neutered and vaccinated. Feral cats are a good thing for vermin.

    1. Well, she did trap them and bring them inside, they've spent a few nights now inside. They are heading to the vet tomorrow morning.

  4. garth looks like my gigi; both of them are totes adorableness!

  5. So glad they found love. I had a feral cat colony at the barn a few years back. I couldn't get them fixed fast enough and finally got them all on birth control for three years. Long story. It worked. Even the wildest ones I loved. Mean Mom still lives up at the house. She tried to claw my eyes out once and slapped my glasses off. After I had her fixed, she rubbed on my legs, but still only wants to be touched when she decides. Have fun.

    1. They will have a good life for sure. I hope we have some barn cats someday. We had a feral mom in our backyard at the house (in town) years back and she had a litter. Understand completely.

  6. Give them a stroke from me.

  7. They are so cute and they look in really good condition. I wonder if any more are going to turn up?

    1. They've been all around the property and I was too and didn't see anyone else. Two would be unusually small for a litter, but who knows. These two are definitely in good condition for being feral. It took "J" about two weeks to get them into the cage and trust her.

  8. Oh that's sweet! We have a feral cat problem in the village, there are hundreds of them roaming...too many kittens, it breaks my heart come winter. We leave the shed door open outside all the time and some of those kittens find refuge there. We want to take them all in!!! But we have three of our own. They are so sweet!

    1. Rain, we also have many cats that roam our area.
      A few years ago between hubby and myself we built some cat house for the cats to go into during the cold winter months and used straw as bedding; making it 3-5 inches think. They snuggle down in the straw and stay nice and warm that way. Don't use nothing else but straw. Nether words you don't use shredded newspaper or anything along that line. Straw only.
      The cats hang around as we do feed and provide water for them year round and many of them have been fixed; the ones that we could catch and trap anyway.

    2. That is to be 3-5 inches thick not think.

    3. Rain, there are so many feral cats here in Houston, especially the older neighborhoods. It's so sad to see.I always hated to see winter here (though ours aren't quite the same as yours). Colleen, great about the straw. I've heard that but never knew if it worked that well. It doesn't seem like much but it must work. I will have to remember that for the future. Thank you both for helping sweet furries!

  9. Those could be the solution to mice in your house and barn. But, there will be others. It's great they were young enough to be tamed so easily.

    1. True but yep, we need to be out there full tine and that's still a few years away. There will be others. And "J" is like the cat whisperer, ha.

  10. Very cute. I think I read between the lines that there are kittens in your future once you move to the farm permanently.

    1. Oh yes, there WILL be kittens in our future when we are out there. And a dog. :-)

  11. OH! They are sooo cute! I suggest you don't even try to resist the kitten love. You know you'll lose! LOL

    1. Resistance is Futile! Ha!!! They weren't there this weekend so I was able to resist, ha.


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