
Monday, August 14, 2017


We have decided that, barring some sort of drastic change in climate, August around here will be the month of doing the least possible amount of outside work.

This is why.  

Almost four o'clock in the afternoon and it "feels like" 115 degrees.  Yep. 115.  Again.

I mowed.  But didn't edge.  Oh, not sure if I  mentioned it already but we had 5 inches of rain this past week!  The ground has been so dry, it soaked it up like a sponge.  I didn't even SEE any standing water or mud while I was mowing.  

I watered, the fruit trees of course, whicht are doing great.  The 5 inches of water really made them happy and since no rain is in the forecast this week and 100+ degree temps all week, I gave them more water.  I also watered the flowerbeds and we were happy to see that everything is hanging in there.  This includes here, in front of the garden, where the lemongrass and rosemary are finally thriving after a bit of trouble getting started. 

Basket of jalapeƱos
The only thing left growing in the garden are the jalapeƱos.  I picked another big basket of them (left some to turn red) and have some special plans for these later this week.  

Pork Chop dinner with stuffing and cranberry sauce
We even had a simple dinner. Thick cut pan roasted pork chops, a quick batch of cornbread stuffing and some good old fashioned cranberry sauce from the can, just like at Thanksgiving, ha.  

Sometimes it's the simple things in life.  

Good weekend to stay inside where it's cool, eat good food and do the least possible...  


  1. August is the cruelest month here. Triple digits and humidity. But, this August is different. It has hit triple digits, but mostly cooler and rain which is rare in August. I'm not complaining.

    1. Hey, we take our victories where we can right? Ha.

  2. Am I aloud to say 'Climate Change' here?

    I hope you guys are careful in the provinces of Texas.

    We're having pork chops and stuffing this evening. Yay!

    1. yes of course. I firmly believe climate change is happening. To deny it is to not see what's around you. I've lived here for almost 40 years, the weather has ABSOLUTELY changed from year to year. Heck, since we bought the farm we've seen a change, milder winters hotter summers worse storms when we have them. I wouldn't mind a 'cooler' summer but not sure if that's the direction things are going.

      Hope you enjoyed your dinner!!!

  3. It's too hot to do anything. Please stay as cool as you can.


  4. Your rosemary and lemon grass are growing really well, even in this heat. And it’s amazing that the peppers are not only hanging on but producing.
    Yum-looking dinner!

    1. Arent't they though? I think the rain really helped jumpstart them. I started with tiny plants so they could work their way down into the ground. So far so good. And yep, peppers producing away!

  5. It seems the peppers are prolific in Texas heat. That "feels like" temp is suffocating!

  6. I think your plan of having a "doing less" month is a great idea.
    I don't know how you guys do it---I melt at 85 degrees. All my outdoor stuff is done by 11 am--afternoons are for reading or siesta!

    1. It's SO unbearable at times but like you said we just stay inside where it's cool(ish) and that's all we can do. I like the siesta idea though, ha.

  7. Hot peppers do very well producing in this Hot Texas heat and my plants are still growing taller. I have been piking peppers about every other day and have been freezing them.
    With your basket full; I see some canning of peppers in the near future or making some bacon wrapped stuffed peppers. Them red peppers will add nice color to your canned Candied Peppers.
    Your pork chop meal looks delicious and displaying / having your food on an all white plate makes the food look more appealing. Has been awhile since I've had a good pork chop. I normally buy a Large pork loin at Sam's Club; cut part of it into nice thick chops and leave the other half loin to fix another time or I may cut the whole thing into chops.
    Try and stay cool

    1. Yep, going to try the cowboy candy. Fingers crossed.

      You know, we had colored plates years ago and switched to white and we love it. Really emphasizes the food and of course we eat with our eyes first as they say, ha.

      Stay cool too!!!

  8. Your meal looks great. Just a thought... what about cutting the grass less or raising the mower bed during these hot dry temps? It will help hold moisture in the ground and the grass won't struggle to stay alive.

    1. You know, Linda suggested that as well and I really need to do that. I will have to remember that next time I mow (hoping not to have to do it this weekend). Thank you!!!


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