
Thursday, September 28, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Outdoor lighting, image via Pinterest
Always on the lookout for outdoor lighting ideas, especially around seating/dining areas we might come up with later on.  We kind of like this.  Concrete with timber in it (we have enough of that around the property) and then using it to have lights strung from.  You could do four and have it going multiple directions, just two like this, or even one as a base and put the lights up into the tree starting from the post point.  Best part is it is movable as needed.

Of course we LOVE that table too, so rustic and neat looking.  But anyway, this is what it is, an idea for us to save for later on down the road.  

Be inspired!


  1. How romantic looking. Love that rustic looking table as well. Perfect for the farm.
    You could use battery operated lights and not have to worry about cost of running electricity to the designated area

    1. I was thinking about battery operated too. As long as they were bright enough of course, ha.

  2. Then again you can always go with the solar light strings (sometimes called patio lights) or even the solar rope. Found at any Home Improvement stores, Craft stores (Michaels and / or Hobby Lobby) Amazon, Ebay, Pier1, Target; basically anywhere.
    Wide variety of shape sizes, color, etc.

    1. Solar are not that bright are they? I'll have to check that out. Dang I was just in a Hobby Lobby the other day and didn't think to look for something like that. Thanks for the suggestion I'll check again!!

  3. I love the concrete bases. You can always use the bases for volleyball net...just kidding.

    1. LOL that's actually a neat idea too. Thank you!

  4. Thank you for sharing this idea. We have a terraced patio at our real home and I have been trying to figure a non-invasive way to string lights over it. This is the perfect solution

    1. That's what I was thinking when I saw this, something that we didn't have to permanently put in trees, etc.

  5. Simple, rustic, and moveable - perfect for the Farm. And it looks wonderful.

    1. Movable was a big part of it. And flexible to expand, reshape, etc.

  6. 1st Man,

    This is something you could make from things around the farm. Granted you may not have concrete but that's an easy fix. Nice inspirational picture.

    1. So true! And a bag or two of quikrete wouldn't be so bad, ha


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