
Monday, September 25, 2017


It's just still so hot.  Got up to 93 at the farm Saturday. There was nothing to do in the garden, I didn't mow, so I spent the day weeding the flower beds, doing a few inside projects (details upcoming in future posts), cleaning up part of the porch, and of course watering everything.  

Most of the lantana bounced back from the flood...

I said most because one of them didn't make it so I pulled it up.  Need to find another one for this spot since we're assuming there will not be another flood this season!

But the pentas made it through just fine and they are all covered in blooms and getting bigger.  

These sprung up at random along the fence of the garden (not sure what they are, a vining weed of some sort).  Anywhere else on the property and we might just leave them but...

...they are creeping into the garden and we can't have that.  So I pulled it up (as much as I could).  I'm sure it will be back though, aren't they always? 

The two lemongrass plants are growing like crazy.  I've already trimmed them twice.  Question for all of you out there.  When we've bought lemongrass in the store, it's more of a thick stalk, almost like celery.

Do we just keep it growing like this or stop trimming it completely? 

We wonder at what point does it get thick like you see in the store?


  1. Waiting for the answer to the lemon grass question. The calendar lies. It is still hot and sticky here too. No pumpkin or stew meals!

    1. Thanks, and yep, dang calendars, got it all wrong this year, ha .

  2. We have to cut back the pentas as they get tall and flop. But they're still growing and blooming (with neglect) after three years.

    1. Good to hear (well not the flopping over, ha) but glad to hear 3 years later they are doing well. Hoping we get that same luck.

  3. Your vine looking plant looks like Texas Bindweed; somewhat related to Morning Glory and it Can be rather invasive; wrapping around anything and everything unless you keep it contained by growing up on a trellis of sorts.

    Lemon Grass:

    Pruning Lemon Grass:

    1. Thank you for these links I learned something new!!!

  4. Looking good there. Too hot here too. I am trying to clean out the garage, piles for the antique booth and some for Goodwill, but I can't stand the heat much longer than a couple of hours so it is probably going to take me a few days.

    1. A couple of hours is almost my limit. It's just so oppressively hot (and humid). Hang in there and be safe!!

  5. The flowers are really pretty. There is one wild variety, heck if I know what it is, that I cut back several times a season because it takes over! We have some flowers that grow under, around and through the deck (sometimes I see vines creeping out the ends of my fake grass rug lol)...I don't like any plant that takes horror-film mind you know lol! :)

    1. Rain; sounds like you have wild potato vine that get tiny pink flowers on it and you are so right; it spreads like wildfire and will choke out your good plants. Very invasive and Hard to get rid of. A lot of pulling of the wild plant of which I would much rather be doing other things.

    2. My horror film/sci fi film mind knows of what you speak. ;-). I like flowers but not end of the world strangle you in your sleep vines, bwahahaha!

  6. Your interloper looks a lot like morning glory. I suspect it comes from the same family. Pretty, but it has triffid intentions of taking over the world...

    1. Probably same family.

      "Triffid intentions" HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. It's too hot for me to even dance and sing along to It's Too Darn Hot.


  8. Your Pentas are growing and blooming so pretty. And your lantana is recovering well.
    That purple vine is evil! It climbs and twines around everything. If you don't remove it, it will seed out and be even worse.
    Hoping for some cool weather!

    1. Evil vines! Triffids! Horror movies! You'd think Halloween was coming or something ha. Yes, this had grown so much in just a week. It's all going away next weekend for sure, ha

  9. I agree with the others--that looks like morning glory. I've had it in my yard and it vines everywhere, quickly, and can be quite invasive.

    1. Why does pretty have to be so invasive, ha. Thanks for the heads up.

  10. Looks like bindweed, part of the morming glory family but after ground elderflower, probably the most invasive weed going. It can only be killed by glyphosate based weedkiller as every tiny section of root grows a new plant. I encourage mine up canes then don gloves and rub weedkiller all over them, several times. Eventually they get the message. Do not attempt to dig them out until they are dead. Repeat each year if necessary:(

    1. bindweed? I just googled it and yep that's it. Wow, even poison doesn't work so well? I will have to get my fighting gloves on, LOL! Thank you for this info!!!


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