
Thursday, September 7, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

OK, I know you are reading and going WHAT???  Yep, it's always been a lifelong dream of mine to have a tipi.  Or is that teepee?  I think they are interchangeable.  Anyway, have always wanted to have one out in the country.  When I was little and we played cowboys and Indians I wanted to be the Indian, and we always ended up being the Indians that turned the cowboys into friends. :-)

During the storm, as we distracted ourselves with surfing around on the Internet, I stumbled across companies that make traditional ones for purchase.  

They aren't cheap but they are also not backyard kiddie tents.  These are canvas, durable, made to leave out year round structures.  

I think it would be so much fun to have one at the farm. I even know the perfect spot for it right now. Sort of a permanent tent we can leave up year round for those cool weekends at the farm. Of course, not sure how much 2nd Man would enjoy it but hey it's my childhood dream, right?  Ha. 

We won't have this anytime soon, more stuff to do and things we need first, but it's been added to the list of "someday" items.

Be inspired!


  1. Sounds rather neat to have a T P in one's yard.
    Follow your dreams

  2. What a cool and fun idea! Hey, it's said that as we get older, we enter our 2nd childhood - so go for it! :)

    1. Now I just need to convince 2nd Man, ha. Hey someday we'll see what we can do. I'll just keep the spot cleared. :-)

  3. It would not be high on my list of things to I don't think I ever wanted one, but I can see it. But, for a guy, sounds neat. were you planning on sleeping in it or just hanging out? Don't put it where limbs can rip it.

    1. Ha, thanks. Hmm, on a cool evening it might be nice outside to sleep in. But probably more just hanging out. It's much further down the list of "things to do" so we'll see what happens.

  4. Hello, I always enjoy your blog and this is the first comment I have left for you. When I saw your interest in a teepee I thought about a recent blog post about a teepee. The post is very informative and I thought you might enjoy the info. The blog is written by a person that lives near to me here in California. The idea of involving a Native American might be something to look into if you ever are able to bring your dream to reality.

    Thanks for all the enjoyment I receive in regularly reading of your blog. Mary

    1. Oh my gosh, thank you SO much for commenting. I know there are always people who read and (we hope) enjoy but never comment. How sweet of you to share this link. Thank you SO much. We will check this out. And don't ever hesitate to say hi. If you don't wan to comment you can always click on the 'email me' button and send us a note. We always love to hear from people. Thanks again!! Now off to check out the link.

  5. It will last much longer if you put it on a platform and take it out the part of the year you want to use it and store it the rest of the year. We have a covered wagon with a re-made canvas covering. The Amish made the covering, supposed to last, and it was parked under a covered shed. Still, after several years, it has slowly disintegrated due to wind and rain and whatever...

    1. Wow, what a great idea. Thanks for this. And you have a covered wagon? OK now don't get me started on my cowboys and Indians play time, because a covered wagon would be AWESOME with the teepee, ha.

  6. Cool choice. Could be guest accommodation too.

  7. When I was growing up, my siblings and I would often make Teepee's out of sticks. We would then cover it with piles of dried pine needles which actually managed to keep the rain out (can't vouch for really heavy rain) and then play in them for days on end till we moved onto something else. They would stand for a very long time and we discovered that even the odd possum would take shelter in them. When we moved to our property and had kids of my own, we built a Teepee together just from sticks lying in the bush. We only got as far as the bones but that still stands and it's been about 7 years.

    1. What a neat memory of your childhood. And how nice that you still have the bones standing to remember the fun times with your own kids.

  8. i almost had a teepee shipped to me from santa fe years ago. i wanted one in the worst way!

    1. I think one of the companies I was looking at was in Santa Fe (plus my boss has a house there...and a large trailer....hmmm...... ;-)

  9. Come on 1st, you and 2nd just want a fitting place to smoke your peace pipes! :-)


    1. I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might incriminate me. LOL!

  10. A friend makes a teepee out of bean vines that grow up the poles. It's nice and shady inside and the beans are a bonus.

    1. I've heard of those, that's a neat idea too. We'll see what happens in time. For now I can dream. ha.

  11. It is a cool concept. I am partial to yurts.

    1. I have seen ads for yurts. Those are pretty neat and really nice and spacious inside.

  12. My philosophy is that, we only go around once, so we need to fulfill every dream we matter what! I think a teepee (tipi) :) is a great idea! They are wonderful, sturdy homes for some people, and it would be a nice little refuge that you could really make your own if you decide to leave it up year long!

    1. Aww, thanks for this. You are right, we need to fulfill our dreams don't we? This farm is fulfilling mine (and 2nd Man's to a degree, by having farm fresh food it's a dream of his, however he's not partial to the hard outside work but that's why we fit, ha).

    2. OMG, that is so similar to my relationship with my BF. I'm the outdoor farm gal, he's the indoor computer guy who enjoys the fruits of the farm's labour (my labour lol)....he takes care of the computer, tech and heavy duty stuff so I'm okay with that!


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