
Thursday, September 21, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

OK, every once in awhile, we just have to go out on a limb (literally in this case) and find something that's just plain neat, setting aside the point that we might not ever get to make something like it. At least not in the near term and this is one of those things. This tree swing bed/couch is so awesome.  Wouldn't it be fun to just lay/sit on there and just gently swing back and forth in a breeze?

Do we have a tree this would work on?  Yes.  Do we have the other items?  No, not really.  Well maybe some wood and the tools of course, but hey, that's what inspiration is about, right?  Let's just save images of the things we like and then figure out a way to do it later on.

Be inspired!


  1. That would be fantastic hanging from a tree in the "park"!

    1. Thanks, we'll have to see where it could go there.

  2. I loved to sleep in my swing before it broke. A mattress would be wonderful.

    1. Oh I could so go to sleep in one (on a cool day of course, ha)

  3. Yes, you definitely need to have something like this. It would be perfect in that recently cleared area.
    If you don't feel like building one, you could buy a porch swing, like this:
    It would not be as big as the one in the picture, but it could still be a place for a cozy nap.

    1. I like that. Thank you for this link and dang, that's one of the more affordable ones I've seen. Thanks!!

  4. If I had the tree like this, I would take a sofa and hung it as a swing.

    1. Great idea too! Thanks, I'll have to do some googling about something like that.

  5. Even more than the swing as cute as it is, I love the idea of various chandeliers hanging from a tree. One day......

    1. I would have mentioned that too. I love the idea of chandeliers outside. So pretty!!!

  6. Lovely setting put putting rope or chain on a tree limb like that can and will damage the tree.
    I think a Hammock would be much better of which it's movable, plus it an be taken down in the winter and stored away.

    1. how relaxing this looks:

    2. I think a hammock will be much earlier on the list of to do things. In fact, was just checking out a couple of trees about that this weekend.

      Now the link you sent does show a pretty awesome way to relax, ha.

  7. You could build something like this on a swing set too. Then stick it under a tree (with chandeliers of course ). Paint the swind set stand camo colored and you'd probably forget they were there; you'd be suspended in air in Titania's bower. Just don't let Bottom get in it.

    1. I like the way you think. That's kind of a neat idea! It'll probably be a hammock first but that's a great idea about eh swing set. Titania's bower, ha!!! Midsummer Night's Dream as I recall?


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