
Monday, October 16, 2017


It was a good weekend at the farm.  We posted a bit of an update yesterday, but here is more.  It's still hot here, upper 80's/low 90's, BUT good news, there is a cold front coming this week!  Finally!

Front yard after mowing
I mowed, for what will probably be the last time this season. I didn't NEED to, but I WANTED to, if that makes sense. Here's an angle from the middle of the front yard toward the garden.  

And here is the same standing spot looking back toward the barn and shed.  Other than blooming flowers and healthy trees, there is nothing in the yard that makes me happier than seeing things all neat and tidy.

Even the recently cleared mini forest area looks great and again, this will probably be the last time this season. I'll miss my time on the Zen Machine but it will be a nice break. Last year it was March 8th for the first mowing. That will be here before we know it.  

Here's an angle from the porch looking down at some of the flower beds in front. They are growing nicely and staying, mostly, clear of weeds.
Still looking good so far.

Speaking of flowerbeds, here are two of the lantana. They are so pretty in their colors.  This was one of the original ones we had that came back after we thought it had died.  It's thriving now (and quite large) and we love the colors. We thought when we bought more, they were the same...

...but these are a wonderful different color.  It was an accidental but pleasant surprise.  Hoping they get huge and fill up the beds.  We're OK with that.  It's what we've wanted and will add the color we're looking for.  We'll take the whole spectrum, ha 

Banana bread
The weekend ended with 2nd Man making some wonderful banana bread from some overripe bananas we had.  It was so good!

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Your yard is looking larger all the time. The moistness of that bread comes right through the camera.

    1. LOL, it feels larger all the time, ha. But I have't been clearing much so it just seems bigger from different angles. Oh the bread was SO moist and I swear I think it was better a few days later too. (we had two loaves)

  2. Everything on the farm looks nice. You have me thinking about baking banana bread. I have some bananas. I doubt if I'll eat all of them. Temperatures are a bit lower here--more eighties than nineties, but the humidity is terrible.


    1. It's so good, I just love banana bread. Hope you got some. And yes, our humidity is horrible we understand.

  3. Wow very neat and tidy. Our place is like a jungle in comparison! I love the look of your barn and shed!! It's cold here already, winter is just around the corner!

    1. Oh, trust me, we have 11 acres, maybe 3 are clear (in total) but the rest are still jungle-like, ha.

  4. You have really put your heart and soul into the farm place and I agree with the others; Everything looks so neat and tidy and makes your whole yard look that much larger after clearing out that one area. Great job. Hard work but great satisfaction in the end.

    Your lantana is so pretty and the bees and butterflies love it. Really hard to kill lananta unless weed killer accidently gets on it. It will grow and grow;
    ( go and go just like the Energizer bunny) and will spread like gang busters.
    Once you get your bee houses up and running again; that would be nice to plant some lantana close to the bee houses.
    2nd Man; your banana bread looks delicious. Sometimes I like to add a little shredded carrot in mine.
    You both have a great week.
    We sure enjoying the cooler temperatures here.

    1. It's getting bigger bit by bit but we love it. I need to find some pictures from a few years ago when it REALLY Looked different. I hope the winter is kind to the lantana. We are loving it and you are right it's covered in bees and butterflies all the time. I'm ok with that. Good idea to have some around the bees. And shredded carrot? THat's an awesome idea. Thanks!

  5. I love lantana. We are slowly but surely planting it all over the lake place since it is such a forgiving plant. We need something there that can withstand periods but still look beautiful.

    1. Yep, that's exactly what we are discovering. I think next Spring it will be lantana everywhere for that reason. We're just hoping for the winter that they make it nicely.

  6. What a neat and tidy - and huge - yard! With beautiful flower beds. Your lantana is doing so well. I like the two color varieties. And yum - 2nd Man's banana bread looks so delicious!

    1. Ha, it is big. I'll have to do some more photos like that for comparison. The multicolor varieties are so pretty, it's like more color for the price of one, ha.

  7. I love your pictures if the favorite! Have you seen the hanging ones? They do well in old tubs and pots. Your place is so neat and tidy; really beautiful.

    1. Aren't they great? I swear they do so well (hoping for them to make it through the winter) I think I want to plant it all over. Instant long lasting color, that's for sure. I will look at the hanging ones. Thank you.


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