
Wednesday, October 18, 2017


We haven't often showed views of the barn and shed from these angles.  

This is standing in front, looking toward the back.  Barn/workshop on the left, mower shed on the right. 

I walked to the back and turned around and took a picture back toward the other direction.  That fenced area waaaay across the front yard is the garden.  

As you can see, lots of space here. In our long term plans for the farm upon retirement, we thought about fencing this area in even perhaps having a chicken coop behind there...

We mocked this up just to see what a fence might look like and we think it would be pretty cool.  But if not chickens (we have plenty of space around for that, they might be nicer close to the house) what else would be good in this space?  

Here are some ideas that we've tossed around over the last couple of years:

Chicken coop and covered run? 
Another red building in a different size?
A greenhouse?
A pool or hot tub? 
Flower cutting garden?
Underground storm cellar? 

Any ideas on something maybe we haven't thought about?

Been getting home late the last couple of nights, will catch up on comments later tonight!


  1. How about a screened in pergola for bugless relaxing, or with a dining area? You could put up strings of lights and not worry about getting carried away by mosquitoes.

    1. We like how you think. Especially the screened in part. Thanks!!!

  2. I like the idea of having a nice, enclosed chicken coop in that area.
    Underground storm cellar; that I would have closer to the house but away from trees cause a rather large hole will have to be dug and don't want any trees in the way, plus it being close to the house you wouldn't have far to go to take cover if need be.
    A screened in or enclosed gazebo might be nice.

    A hot tub; would put in more shaded area or have behind the house.
    Greenhouse I would put close to your garden area
    You have lots of options for that area

    1. All logical thinking ahead ideas. The cellar we have often thought about closer to the house you're right so you can get to it quickly. I love the gazebo idea. Thank you!

  3. Forgot to mention about the gazebo; can have it, along with pretty flower beds surrounding it. Can have your cut flower beds and enjoy a nice tall glass of ice tea sitting in your gazebo and enjoy the smell of your flowers as well.

    1. Definitely like this line of thinking. Thank you!

  4. The Texas heat would be unforgiving in that location for chickens. If you put chickens near the fruit trees, they will be cooler and you can let them free range under the trees. This will fertilize the area and the chickens can clean up any bugs around. If you can stand the sound of chickens/rooster in the morning, near the house would be nice and safe. Well, you could ran out with your shotgun. My chickens don't smell because I use DE for the flies and smell.

    As for between those outbuildings? Not sure. However, a storm shelter near the house seems most efficacious. How far do you want to run to get to it?

    How about a garage? Cars deteriorate quickly when not parked in shelter. If you are retired, you might want to put at least one car under shelter. Maybe you would still want to park in front of the house. Or, you could put a garage nearer the house and the storm shelter underneath.

    1. Yeah this is a bit far for both parking and for a cellar. You and Colleen are right that needs to be close to get to. And I think the chickens would be better in a shadier protected area behind the house. Great minds! Thank you!

  5. It would be a great spot for a pool or hot tub and would be a natural path to the trees beyond. We have a hot tub on our lower patio which is in total sun. The shade solution was easy. We bought a cantilevered patio umbrella which serves us nicely. But ultimately you two need to decide how you want to use your acreage because only you know what will work best for your plans for gardening, entertaining and housing critters.

    1. Thank you, wise words indeed. We do have so much space around the house for so many things. Not to mention another bunch of acres to just clear and put things in the future. Thanks!!

  6. Why not a lighted gaming field? Screened or not. You could have croquet, horseshoes, 9 pins, bocce ball, etc. Benches along the barn walls.
    I remember one at my Aunt & Uncle’s home and it was so much fun for us kids in tne neighborhood! We played in the day and the parents played after supper.


    1. WOW! That never even crossed our minds but what a great idea. Even if it doesn't end up there, I'm already thinking of places for a "game field/yard". Love it. Thanks so much!!!

  7. Maybe a screened-in, covered patio area with a concrete or composite decking floor. It would be an all-purpose area - for dining, relaxing, entertaining, working on projects, even sleeping outdoors on a nice night. Have a skylight or two for starry views.

    1. Another vote for a screen in area. Only you have the idea for a patio area. Love this idea too. Multiuse! Thank you!

  8. I vote for greenhouse! LOL Although a gaming/recreational area would be a lot of fun too. One of the things I've learned over the years is to take photos of everything from every angle. I say that because it's something I haven't done and can't tell you how many times I wish I had!

    1. Oh how I want a greenhouse. Of course not sure at this point how I'd use it but hey, this is our work in progress "make it like we want" project for retirement so I'll have to have a greenhouse at SOME point, right? Ha.

      Thanks for the tip about the pics. You are right, we tend to snap pics from the same places on the property all the time. Nice to move around and see all the angles for any sort of planning. Thank you!

  9. 1st Man,

    How about an outdoor canning kitchen?? Keep dreaming....because dreams do come true!

    1. Oh I have that on my "bucket list" (wait is that the right thing to call it? Ha). I'm actually trying to work up some ideas for an outdoor cooking area. I need to see if there's a spot for a canning kitchen. You are the example of dreams coming true, you all have a wonderful new place!!


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