
Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Here is a new area I've started clearing.  I wish I had a before photo, because a year ago, it was covered in brush and random branches.  It's not entirely finished of course as the rain has slowed my progress but I took this photo to share anyway.

It's in the midst of a grove of trees and we thought this little clearing would make a nice spot for a small bistro table and chairs. I'm not sure what to put down under it, I think I would be OK with just keeping it mowed and put these there since they would be movable and it would be easy to get it all out of the way for yard work.

We're thinking just a small table and chair set for two would be best, something more personal for us rather than large tables/seating for groups at future dinner parties.

Yellow is pretty...

So is blue...

And of course there is always red...

It faces the neighbor's fence (and occasional cows) but it has a nice view of green and sky all the time as seen in the picture above.  We loved these yellow wildflowers that popped up just as Fall started to set in. The best part of all is that it also faces the general direction of sunrise so we can eventually enjoy a cup of coffee/hot tea in the morning and watch the sunrise.

I'm getting areas cleared this year so that next year we can start the process of buying outdoor furniture and things to put in those cleared areas.  Do the hard work now and the easier work of decorating later, ha. It's all part of the works in progress, just one spot of many around the property.  

Slow and steady right?  
After all, it's a marathon not a sprint!


  1. Can never have enough setting areas.
    Me; I go for the blue color. Actually I have that exact same set ( was a Freebie)of which was all white and is getting a whole new paint job. Table is finished but have the chairs yet to do. :}

    1. Never enough. That's why I've been clearing some spots so we can just plop down some furniture next Spring. I do like the blue. Heck, I like all of them, ha.

  2. I love that spot, it's really pretty. I'm sure if you sat out there, the cows may come and visit :) Yellow definitely for the furniture!!! :)

    1. The cows are often right at that fence, that's one reason I thought it would be a nice spot. It's semi shade with a nice view. And we might have company, ha. We do like the yellow.

  3. If you have a place to sip coffee and watch the sun rise you are in for a treat! Of course in the Texas summer you might want to greet the day with iced tea instead of coffee. A bistro set would be wonderful painted any color y'all like. I have one similar to it at the lake but I am a sucker for red, so naturally it is red.

    1. Yep, that's so very true. Iced coffee for him, iced tea for me, ha. And now a vote for red! It's funny how we all have our faves. Problem for us is we like them all, ha. Now we do have spots all over so maybe just one of each (in time of course, ha).

  4. I would prefer the cheerful yellow. But, yellow attracts stinging insects like bees. So, sadly, I would not paint anything yellow. I would probably paint it a cherry color, not quite red. I bought a 42" round table, umbrella and the weighted stand, four chairs for $20. You could use the pieces in different places. Finally, sadly, after ten years all but the table were broken. So, this time of the year you might find outcast furniture on the road, in your building, or at yard sales.

    1. I forgot about that. I think you mentioned that once before. Oh and great idea this time of year to look for some disposed of. I might have to just drive around at lunch sometimes in the neighborhoods around the office.

  5. Mt fav is red, but I'm biased - I have a bright red front door, curtains in shades of red and a red outdoor setting (2 chairs and a table that fold flat for storage). Sitting out there at any time in the morning, watching the cows gently eating the grass and chewing the cud sounds like a great way to start any day. Michelle in Wellington, NZ.

  6. I do like all the colors shown, but like Practical Parsimony mentioned; wasps are particularly attracted to yellow and the red; well that fades really bad so I went with blue, plus the blue goes well with the sky.
    One thing about it; if not like the color, nothing a couple cans of spray paint wouldn't take care of.
    Shoot, you could go for having different settings with every color of the rainbow. What a great way to add color to your property; seating areas done in rainbow of colors.
    My little table and chairs that match the blue set I'm doing in teal / turquoise (small container of OOPS paint) color and the legs of the table are done in a dark charcoal gray

  7. Our farm has quite manicured lawns for a working farm, but that's the beauty of tractors & mowers! If I might make a suggestion, moving stuff gets to be a pita after a couple of years. Since you have time to plan, I suggest laying down some flagstone or building just a small floating deck on which to put your bistro set. If you have bigger gatherings in that spot, then someone always gets to be the extra special person on the raised platform.
    I recall that you also have a spot picked out for a long table with lights strung up above for larger gatherings, so that's why I'm suggesting just a small wooden platform or flagstone, or paving stones, or tiny round pea gravel held in by railway ties or 2x8's. You guys have such great imaginations & I wouldn't want to spoil that, I know from experience that my imagination has resulted in a lot more work than I'd like to do when I'm old and grey, so all those nooks and crannies I created a decade or so ago are now being either revamped to mow around easily or reinvented again.

  8. That is going to be such a lovely spot to just sit and enjoy the relaxing view.
    By the time you're done, you're going to have a beautiful spot for every time of the day and in every color to suit your mood.

  9. Mrs Shoes has an excellent idea. However, don't put in a platform because it causes a trip hazard of a place for someone to step back and inch and fall. My friend died like that. I have always thought flagstone work best or even bricks on a base of sand.

    Also, I picked out all the cans of spray paint to use outside at one time. That way, the colors are the same intensity. You can see if you actually prefer those colors together. I would paint things in each area one color. But, the day might some when you wanted to move something around or put extra chairs with your long table. this way, the colors would go together. Plus, I did not stick to one brand of spray paint. I chose what went together.

  10. Wow! Everyone has such great ideas! I'm sad to hear that about Parsimone's father, you might want to take what she said into consideration. Would building pavers into the ground, level with the ground, serve?
    I, of course, vote for yellow but with the wasp warning I'd rethink the thought.
    I love the idea of a rainbow of chairs and tables! Gatherings would be colorful and festive before you even start.

  11. Wow! Everyone has such great ideas! I'm sad to hear that about Parsimone's father, you might want to take what she said into consideration. Would building pavers into the ground, level with the ground, serve?
    I, of course, vote for yellow but with the wasp warning I'd rethink the thought.
    I love the idea of a rainbow of chairs and tables! Gatherings would be colorful and festive before you even start.


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