
Tuesday, November 7, 2017


So the old phrase, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again..." is our motto at the farm. 

The garlic didn't come out last year, so we're trying it again this year!

Lorz Italian garlic
We ordered some seed garlic, this time from a different supplier.  It's still the recommended variety for our area. "LORZ ITALIAN".  It's a softneck variety because hardneck does not do well in our climate.  It has been in the refrigerator for about 4 weeks already, something different that we didn't do last season and was recommended after some reading on potential problems with garlic crops.

Raised bed
I had the soil all prepped.  FYI, I used the red plant cages to let me know which beds I had already turned and made ready for planting.  

Planting garlic in raised bed
I poked 36 holes in the soil, each one about 3" deep,   separated the cloves and placed into the holes pointed end up.  Then I just covered it all and filled them in with soil.

Garlic raised bed
Lastly, I covered the entire bed with straw mulch and watered it in well.  We will water this once a week, it doesn't need daily watering and we should see sprouts in three weeks or so.  Last year, we kind of stopped watering in the Winter and depended on regular rainfall.  In retrospect, there wasn't a lot of rain last Winter and I think it may have dried out and stunted the growth.  

We'll keep it watered this year, cross our fingers and hope for the best!  If it comes through, we'll have lots of garlic next May.  

Watch out vampires, ha!


  1. Wishing you the best on your garlic growing.
    I didn't have any luck with mine either.
    Having a North wind blowing here and it's 53 deg. and come tomorrow; best get out the long john's as we may need them; cold windy and wet for tomorrow's forecast

    1. We are hoping for the best. I think I know what I did wrong last year, while it's in the ground sprouting, I'm going to do more research. Yep, cold coming here too, can't wait. This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous. Hoping for two good days at the farm. I have to get started on that barn.

  2. I need to plant garlic again. I planted some and forgot about it when I was very ill, maybe when I had surgery. I will go into what is a flower bed. I wonder if chipmunks like it. ???

    1. Hmm, not sure. I've heard it's pretty resistant to a lot of creatures who just don't like the smell taste of garlic but not sure about chipmunks.

  3. All looks good so I can't imagine it not growing.

    1. Fingers crossed this year. I'm not sure if it was too much water or not enough last year.

  4. Good luck with your garlic. As a general rule, garlic likes to be a bit on the dry side. I often struggle with mine, thinking it should have a water with the rest of the veges. Have found that it didn't do so well when we had periods of heavy, prolonged rain too. No controlling what comes from the heavens unless you grow your garlic in a greenhouse.

    1. I will have to watch for that, thanks! Sigh, want a greenhouse in the worst way but so much else we need first. In time!

  5. My cousin who lives on and runs a community farm in Ann Harbor always sends my oodles of the best garlic . Comes in handy for many recipes and used....and very good for the heart and skin. Good luck to ya.

    1. Oh, lucky you! We LOVE garlic. I once ate about 15 cloves of oven roasted garlic cloves, so sweet and delicious. Of course 2nd Man was NOT a fan of me doing that for a few days. ;-)

  6. this year is our first year when we are planning to never have to buy garlic again! we eat about 4 million pounds of garlic a year so you can understand the amount of room needed for that much garlic! but jambaloney amended our raised beds with all kinds of good stuff and the garlic went in in september. next august it's gonna be all about the garlic baby! you guys and us can celebrate together (well, 10,000 miles apart but you get my drift!) when we are harvesting our garlic!

    i am wishing you a marvelous garlic adventure - becuz they are the best kind! bahahahahha! and sending much love to the 2 of you, as always! your friend,

    1. Yay for you guys! I'm not sure what we did wrong, I think I know but I need to do some research. We use garlic ALL THE TIME here too, love it! I'll send good garlic vibes your way if you'll do the same, ha.

  7. You've done a beautiful job of preparing your beds - your garlic should be very happy growing there. Hoping you have a bountiful harvest next May!

    1. I hope so. It was a let down this year but hey, keep trying till we figure it out. Heck it could have been the source I used last year but it wasn't a good batch. These cloves were really nice and plump. Stay tuned!


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