
Friday, December 8, 2017


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock, where people can put the things they don't want.  

I've found several cool items so far.

Last weekend I went down and someone had left this beside the trash bin with a note "FREE".  It's an indoor sandbox of sorts. Or maybe for building sand castles?  It had the sand in it, two sticks for smoothing and leveling and drawing designs and...

Wooden molds to make shapes! 

It's pretty cool and I will admit to spending about 30 minutes after this photo was taken just "playing in the sand".  Hey, someone got their use out of it and instead of consigning it to the landfill, they gave someone else the opportunity to have fun with it.  

I think the right person found it. 

I think, knock on wood, I've successfully fended off the cold/flu bug.  Lots of Vitamin C, Zinc, liquids and rest.  So the goal tonight is to get back to replying to all your wonderful comments.  

Oh, and guess what happened last night here in Houston?  IT SNOWED!

More on that later...


  1. What a great little treasure. The little boxes could even be used for storing little items in or for setting small potted plants / succulents in if you didn't want to use as a sand box.
    Heard the Houston area and along the coast line was receiving snow. No snow here but sure is cold; down in the 20's at night.
    I'm finally getting over my head and chest cold along with my touch of pneumonia.

    1. Thanks, I didn't know you had been sick. Hope you are better!!! Stay warm for sure!

  2. Just don’t leave it where the cats can find it or you might find some buried presents ...

    1. LOL that's true, though our kitties have such, um, wide ends, I doubt they'd fit, ha.

  3. I would have played with it for a while, too. I love it. That will be a great conversation piece set up on its on table outdoors when you entertain. People can have fun while they talk. Actually, this might be a great way to get people talking if they don't know each other. Like kids, just join in sand play.

    It snowed here in Alabama, too.

    1. OOH good idea, to use it outside with company, it would keep people occupied for sure. Thanks!!!

  4. That looks like fun. I bet people would play with it at a party. Penelope is curious about snow because her winter jacket has a snowflake on it. We're having a huge thunderstorm.


    1. Penelope probably would be shocked if she was out in it, ha. Stay warm and dry!!

  5. cool find. now you officially have more snow than we do. go figure!

    1. LOL, I bet you'll catch up in no time since we have never in recorded history had two snows in one season. We barely have one every 4 or 5 years. Though we'll see, it's still al long way to "after Winter".

  6. I wonder if it is a take on the mini Zen gardens you can buy. It's meant to calm mind and spirit.

    1. You know I didn't think of that but I bet it is. Sort of a desktop beach scene to play and build sandcastles to relax and calm. Makes sense!!


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