
Sunday, December 3, 2017


Since I'm feeling a little bit under the weather, I'm bulking up on Vitamin C and Zinc and so far, I'm staying ahead of it. 

Homemade chicken soup with butternut squash and carrots
While I was at the farm yesterday, 2nd Man made me some homemade chicken soup!  With parsley and garlic and carrots and butternut squash diced up.  

It was so good.  I've eaten several bowls. 

I still had to go to the farm just to check on things.  Speaking of checking on things, I found this!  Two scorpions (thankfully dead) in this clay wine chiller in the mudroom/pantry.  

Since I'm guessing we all want to see something cute after nasty scorpions, I found this online.  This is a young, Golden Snub-nosed monkey.  Quite possibly the cutest thing I've seen lately.  


It's a rainy weekend (so much for watering yesterday, ha) but we need it so it's OK.  Plus it's a good day to stay in and eat soup!

We hope you are having a good weekend...


  1. Ewww, scorpions - at least they were dead. I'm glad you put up that CUTE monkey picture afterwards!
    2nd Man's chicken soup looks sooo good. A perfect supper to come home to when you're not feeling well.
    I'm going to make some chicken noodle soup tomorrow. I bought some homemade egg noodles at the Christmas Mall, so that should make the soup even better. I'm also going to make some Beer Bread to go with it. It's so simple and so good. If you don't have the recipe, here it is:

    For one loaf of Beer Bread:
    3 cups self-rising flour
    1/2 cup of sugar
    1 can (12 oz.) of beer
    3/4 stick of butter, melted

    Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
    In a large bowl, mix the self-rising flour and sugar.
    Then mix in the one can of beer.
    Pour into a bread pan.
    Bake for 45 minutes.
    Take out the bread; pour the melted butter over the bread.
    Put bread back in the oven for 15 minutes more.

    You could also add cheese, cooked sausage, diced green chilies, etc. after you have added the beer.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. We love when readers share recipes that they have used. This looks so good. Heck, I might should do it and make it and show 2nd Man that he's not the only one who can bake, ha. Yum!!! OK, any beer you prefer? I'm not a beer person so I don't know if it should be a stout beer or something Texan like Lone Star beer?

    2. OK. I made it. OMG! Post coming soon, thank you!!!

  2. I am fighting it off, too. I am winning! What can you do to get rid of scorpions? That cuteness might just might bite off your hand! Sorry, but I am cynical about cuteness since a cute raccoon bared its teeth and growled at Okay, yes, it is adorable.

    1. Hope you are feeling better by now (just now getting to replying to older posts). Yep, I know cute can still bite and or kill (tigers and other great cats are cute but um yeah, ha!). Raccoons make me nervous . They seem really fearless. AND smart.

  3. that's good looking soup and the scorpions',,, well lets just say I prefer them DEAD !!!! cute monkey,, I hope that soup fixes you right up!

    1. Thank you, yes, scorpions, ugh, make me nervous. Feeling better now, thanks!!

  4. Keep well The Walking Dead is almost half way ! Xx

    1. Sorry for delay in replying, thanks for the well wishes. I'm better now and just watched the midseason finale. Sigh. Good. Now we have to wait until 2/25, ugh.

  5. Sorry to hear you are fighting the nasty cold. Soup looked like good medicine!

  6. Stay well! TheHub and I have had this crud for a week and a half and it is not fun at all

    1. I stayed ahead of it and 2nd Man, knock on wood, didn't catch it. We stayed on our vitamins and washed hands a lot, ha. Hope y'all are better!

  7. So funny! With the juxtaposition of soup picture to scorpions, at first I thought the second pic was what remained at the bottom of your soup bowl!!

    1. LOL that is too funny!!! I never though about that. Definitely no scorpion soup here. :-)

      Thanks for the laugh, we needed it.


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