
Monday, December 11, 2017


OK, a warning, this is a picture heavy post but it's because we don't see this around here very often.  In fact, we could count on one hand the number of times we've had a snow like this in the past 20 years.  

So, as small as it was compared to what other parts of the country get, it was pretty exciting around these parts.  Be sure to at least see the last photo, our absolute favorite and a COMPLETE lucky shot...

(as always click on any picture to enlarge)

Pink is sleet/freezing rain and of course snow flurries mixed in. Light blue is snow.  At midnight here in town, we had just moved from rain to freezing rain (the dark blue is only rain). The farm however was about to experience snow.

This was at midnight, snow just mixed in lightly with the sleet and freezing rain.

So pretty.

By about 1:30am we were in full on snowfall at both places.  I got a text alert saying that heavy snow was falling and so we got up and I went outside on the balcony to take some pictures.  

Same picture angle as earlier, snow much heavier.

This is a parking lot we can see from our window and the light from a sign was shining up.  I tried to capture the heavy snow as it passed through the light beam (probably should have used video, ha).

Remember the first city picture I posted above?  Same angle, same direction, just a couple hours later.  For us, a blizzard!  

We went back to bed but it continued.  

4:15am.  Still coming down pretty heavy in Houston but getting lighter at the farm.  

7:30am it was wakeup and time for getting ready for work.  Still snowing in Houston, but it had stopped at the farm.  Of course now it was daylight and time to go out and see what it looked like.

Remember the view with the ray of light shining up through the snowfall?  It was from this parking lot. Normally by this time of morning, employees streaming into downtown have mostly filled up the parking lots.  Not this morning.  In town, it just barely got to freezing and because the day before had been above freezing, nothing stuck to the ground.  It just covered whatever horizontal surface it landed on.  

Like the pool furniture at the apartment.  

And the palm trees.  We always love seeing palm trees with snow.  Such a contrast in "seasons". It's like Winter crashed into Summer.

This was outside my office.  By 8:30am, it had begun melting and by noon, it was all gone.  

We know what you are wondering, what about the farm?  Well thankfully 2nd Family took some pictures for us.  We're always grateful for them to keep us up to date with photos of major events out there so we'll have them as part of our history. 

The driveway in.  

Mesquite trees aren't normally covered in snow, ha. 

One of the trails that I mow every week.  Normally green and lush, now definitely looking like Winter.

Pretty safe bet that the plants know that Winter has arrived by now.  We're sure the grass will be dormant in a week or so and the last of the leaves on the trees will drop off.  

So as we scanned the trail cam photos/videos, we were hoping we might capture something like snow coming down or at least the white yard.  Never could we have imagined we'd capture this:

Talk about absolutely PERFECT timing!!!

These two deer (could have been more we suppose) were galloping through the snowy front yard.  The video portion only captured the tail end of one, so we're pretty excited to have somehow captured this wonderful moment in time.  

After the nightmare of Hurricane Harvey, Houston needed this kind of rare event.  There were no icy roads or bridges (at least around here) and no frozen pipes or things like that.  First we win the World Series and now we have a snow for the record books!  We'd say that's a pretty good recovery so far...

The Great Snow of 2017


  1. that might be more than we get all winter. dang!

  2. I love the excitement you have for the snow!! It does look amazing and that deer shot was the frosting on the cake!

    1. I know, others might laugh but we RARELY have snow so we have to be excited about it. As long as we don't have the other bad stuff like icy roads and such ,ha.

  3. You've posted hurricanes to snow in three months! Wow, what a year.

    1. Yep, crazy huh? Three seasons in a couple/three months, ha

  4. It was odd waking up Friday morning knowing that my co-workers in Victoria and Houston were getting snow while here in NY it was sunny and dry without a flake to be seen. I always enjoy the first snowfall. Even after all these years. 2nd Family are good neighbors! They knew what was important to you!

    1. Thank you! They are good neighbors for sure. It has to be funny to be in a place that SHOULD have snow and see it all over a place that shouldn't LOL!

  5. Amazing the weather you had down there considering we didn't receive anything except for the cold temperatures. Such beautiful photos and the deer photo; tops them all but I must admit, I do like the snow with the city lights and skyline. Something that you just don't see very often there.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely photos with us. Thank 2nd family as well.
    Enjoy your evening.

    1. It was everything lined up correctly with the front and the moisture. Thanks about the pics the city ones are neat, especially at night. Would love to have had some during the day if had fallen in daylight but oh well. It was pretty for sure.

  6. You certainly did get some good pictures!!!! Glad you enjoyed the snow. It's funny, since were used to getting snow, I have friends of mine, you have a hot tub, and we all sit in it while the snow comes down. It makes for a fun night. They even have those heater things on their deck, so when we get out, we can also have cocktails outside, while snowing.

    1. Now there's some people after my own heart. I love the idea of a hot tub in the cold. I went swimming once on NYE when it was in the 30's in a heated pool. Now they didn't have the patio heaters to stay warm when you got OUT of the pool but it was a fun night for sure.

  7. 1st Man,

    Let it snow...let snow....let snow! We seen a few flurries with temperatures in the single digits. I'm sure the snows melted already, I wonder what Christmas will look like there?

    1. Single digits? Yikes that's cold. I don't think we have ever gotten that cold. I took a break and checked the record books. Since 1889, the temp in Houston has gotten to single digits only FOUR times. That's crazy!! I remember the last one in the late 80's, pipes busting in houses all over town.

      We'll have to see what happens here in Christmas. I hope y'all get a white one!!

      Stay warm (and safe!)

  8. I had to keep reminding myself that your snow pics were taken in Houston, where I would not expect to see snow. I loved seeing all the pics and especially the last one with the deer running in the farmyard. I would frame that one!

    We have snow here in the Canadian Maritimes but it is normal for us this time of year. We'll likely have it at least through May of next year. It's easier to bear when the sun is shining, harder when the sky is overcast and gloomy, as it was today.

    1. I know, Houston NEVER sees anything like this. So we enjoy it (and probably take way too many pictures, ha). A coworker told us the same thing to frame that one. I might have to work on that.

      You stay warm. That's a long time of cold.

  9. Beautiful snow pictures in the city and the country! You really captured the snowflakes in the city so well. 2nd Family's Farm pictures look so serene - you can almost feel the stillness and quiet. And then your trail cam caught the wonderful deer-in-snow picture - worthy of a picture frame.
    Now just 3 days later, it was sunny and warm enough for shorts and t-shirts. I had to be outside to take advantage of such a gorgeous day, so I spent the day in my garden.

    1. 2nd Man said the same thing! It looked so calm and quiet. Another vote for framing the deer pic. :-).

      And yes, I had the AC on in my car today because it was hot. Gotta love our weather.

  10. Great pictures! You're a wonderful story teller.

    1. Aww, thanks!!! You know how rare snow is in these parts, ha .

  11. The pictures are great 1st Man, especially the deer, what a nice catch! I'm so used to snow every year, but the first snowfall always feels so magical for me. I'm glad you got some! :)

    1. Magical is a great word to describe the first isn't it? Well, for us it most likely will be the only, ha.


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