
Monday, January 29, 2018


This is something I've been doing this past season, and thought now that Spring/Summer/Fall are over, it would be interesting to see the progress: 

March - we still had the chives from year's past and the garlic in the back bed.  But nothing planted yet.  We think this year we will start planting in March instead of...

...April.  Here is when we first planted things last year.  All the beds had something in them.  They started slow but grew quickly and by...

...May, they were starting to fill in.  We were harvesting herbs and even a couple of peppers, and the cucumbers started but...  

...June is when everything went crazy all at once. We had herbs and peppers and cucumbers, lots and lots of cucumbers. Peppers and eggplants and zucchini.  But all good things must start to fade and so by...

...July, they were starting to fade.  Still herbs and peppers, lots of peppers, and of course okra was doing well for a bit.  The last cucumbers came in but the heat of...

...August was too much for most of the veggies and so we pulled them up.  All we had left were herbs and a few peppers and eggplants.  We used the month to clean the beds up and by the time...

...September rolled around, it was empty.  The weather in September was so crazy.  The month started with the epic floods from Harvey.  Then it was so warm after the rains that none of the usual Fall crops could be planted until...  

...October.  See them in the back beds?  Small but growing.  We decided to not do much since we got such a late start and there was other stuff to do so we just watered and waited and in...

...November, well, there wasn't much happening, ha.  It was growing, but not fast.  Again, might have waited too late and of course our weather was still warmer than usual.  Our first official harvest though was in...

...December.  We harvested collards.  The cabbage was still growing.  And we had our first light freeze.  And snow!  And then a hard freeze.  But by...

...January, well, we have had another hard freeze and ice.  Garlic is coming up great.  The cabbage is growing but not sure if it will produce before Spring planting comes.  We are still cutting collards.  

The weather forecasters are telling us not to plant anything in February, because some models show a hard freeze or possibly two.  So February will be planning month to decide what we'll grow and get it all ready for the first of March, instead of April.  

Come on Spring!


  1. What a great overview. It is amazing the difference a month can make in the garden under the right weather conditions. I wonder if you could extend your veges for another month or so by sinking a star picket in the corner of your beds and covering the top with shade cloth? I did this with my tomatoes as we were experiencing temps of 109+. Along with daily watering, it worked a treat and my tomatoes didn't suffer any burning at all.

    1. I never thought about that. Good idea. I will consider that this Summer. I've been considering a cover of sorts just to keep out the birds and some bugs. We'll see. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. It has been weird here too and I have no idea when I should start my seed this year.

    1. It's definitely not the same as it's always been. Times and the weather are a changin' ha!

  3. I really like this one year retrospective of your garden. A great idea! It is fascinating to see the growth from one month to the next. It will also be helpful in making plans for the coming season, seeing the size each vegetable can attain or not, which ones are nice neighbors or which ones hog the garden bed.
    Hoping the prediction for more frigid weather does not materialize - I’m ready for Spring!

    1. I know, SO ready for Spring. Not Summer, just Spring, ha. I'm going to keep taking pics, might change to a different angle or do both ends so I can chart all the bed easier. But I do take good notes and I also a reason I note things on the blog too, ha.


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