
Monday, January 8, 2018


Tears flow from both of us as I type this post.  Our absence the last few days is because our beloved Brisbane has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  We had to make that most difficult of all decisions to do what was fair for him.  As selfish as we want to be and keep him here with us, his quality of life had diminished rapidly in recent days and we made the decision to let him go. 

We took him to our vet Saturday and they agreed, he was starting to shut down.  They said they could do some tests and perhaps prolong his life another few months but there was just something we could see in the way he looked at us that he was trying to tell us he was tired and he was ready.  We think he has been ready for a while.  So we made that hard choice and we stayed with him beyond the end.  It was peaceful and gentle and through the tears, we told him how much we loved him and how thankful we were for him being our lives. 

Watching him the day and night before, knowing what we had planned for him the next day but him not understanding that everything he did was his last, was perhaps the most difficult part.  His last dinner.  His last time on the couch.  He last snack before bed.  His last night sleeping between us. His last time being with Hobart.  His last time in the carrier.  His last time at the apartment.  His last car ride.  Sigh.  It was a difficult couple of days with moments of terrible sadness.  Now we begin to adapt to life without him and give extra love to our remaining kitty, Hobart. 

Brisbane came to us in our back yard in June of 2000 as a stray, abandoned by his mother at 2 weeks old. His eyes had just opened and he had to be bottle fed every few hours.  2nd Man did that (he was working from home at the time).  It was a bond that remained, he was always 2nd Man's baby.  

We just have to share this picture with all of you:

Is it not THE most adorable kitten face ever? 

Now you can see why we fell in love with him!

This was literally the first photo we took of him, after we brought him into the house and put him in a makeshift box with a towel and he looked up at us like "OK, I'm home".  We'll share more pics at another time, when it's easier to go through them all.

It was taken almost 18 years ago.  2nd Man and I have been together almost 19 years, so Brisbane has been with us since the beginning.  He was part of us.  A part of our life.   

He lived a wonderful life.  
A good, long life.

But we already miss him terribly.

We know the tears will stop eventually, they did after we lost Sydney a few years ago.  But it takes time.  We thought blog posting would get back to normal this week, but it may take a few days to get our mojo back and get back to replying to comments, putting up new posts, etc.  Hang in there with us. 

This poem, as difficult as it is to read, helped...

The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this — the last battle — can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.

We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close — we two — these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

— Unknown

Goodbye sweet Brisbane...

You are already missed so very much!


  1. I'm so sorry. This is a hard time. Hope it improves soon.

  2. I am so, so sorry. I know words can't heal the devastation you are feeling now. but try to take comfort from the knowledge that your readers all over the world are sharing your grief. and sending love to you both and Hobart. Blessings my friends.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so difficult to lose a beloved pet. Sending love and comfort.

  4. poor little Hobart is missing his buddy probably as much as you and 2nd Man. this is a terribly, painful time but in the end you made the right decision and Brisbane trusted that you always would.

    i have sent this story across half of the internet, i think, but it is a beautiful story written by my Uncle Gerald and it may provide some peace, especially at the end of the story - you might even get a giggle. here is the story:

    jam and i send you both our warmest thoughts, and love, as always. your friends,
    kymber and jambaloney

  5. oh i am sooooo sorry! nothing s worse than losing a beloved pet. i lost my last kitties a year apart. they were 20 and 21. they are such a part of our lives and just leave a huge hole when they are gone. thank god for winnie or i would still be so miserable about teddy.

  6. my condolences to you both and hobart. it's always hard to lose a furbaby. thank you for posting that kitten pix - no wonder you fell in love with him! RIP brisbane. :`-(

  7. I am so very sorry. They wind their paws deep into our heart strings and take a piece of us with them when they go.

  8. oh such a hard time for you all,, my condolences to you,,

  9. Oh, so sorry for your loss. For those of us that have lost beloved fur babies, we grieve with you, knowing exactly what you are feeling now. The pain is almost unbearable. It helps knowing Brisbane is no longer suffering and that your love and kindness let him go to the Rainbow bridge to wait for you.

  10. I am so sorry. Loss is always difficult, but Brisbane is and always will be part of your lives, now just through memory, but still vital part of your life.

  11. Guys, I am sharing your tears. Such sad news. You gave Brisbane a wonderful life and now it continues on a spiritual plan with Sydney. Thinking of you at this very upsetting time.

  12. Such a fitting poem for those of us who, with broken hearts, do what must be done for the comfort of our beloved pets when they grow old and ill. Helping them cross the Rainbow bridge painlessly is an act of love. My heart goes out to you as you grieve the loss of Brisbane.

  13. Tears and condolences from another cat lover....So sorry for your loss. He was a lucky kitty!

  14. 1st and 2nd, so sorry to hear. I know how painful this is. Over the years I have had 4 Shelties, the 4th one, Harley, is currently 14 years old and in bad health, not much time left before I must let her go. Be happy that you can end his pain. Someday you'll meet again!

  15. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a long life Brisbane had. I never knew he had come to you so young. Hobart will be in mourning too. We experienced that with two sister cats we had, when one had to be relieved of pain and suffering. Take care of yourselves and celebrate the life you had together.

  16. Wow, that is one of THE cutest kitten pics I think I've ever seen. Seriously. That was love at first sight! So sorry for your loss but know that he's out of pain and you all did the right thing.

  17. They give us so much love.It is a love not found anywhere else. When my Cocker Lotus took her trip across the rainbow bridge I sang a song, That's no way to say goodbye. You have so many wonderful memories, that will help. Hold on to each other and the live you have, it will help.

  18. If there are no pets in heaven,I'm not going. I'll go where my pets are. He had a wonderful life,full of love and food and friends

  19. I am so very sorry about your loss of your sweet Brisbane. Those are such precious pictures of him as a little kitten and as an older kitty. Brisbane had two of the best parents and the best home that any kitty could have - he loved his life with you. He felt your love always and he will live on in your hearts forever.
    Peace, love, and hugs to both of you and to Hobart.

  20. This news was a shock and made me cry. I thought the kitten photo was a painting through my tears. I was insane with grief when my Fancy died. She was a chicken and only three years old, but I was devastated for two years. I just hope Hobart is okay and does not grieve too much. I know she had a good life with the two of you.

  21. Paw Prints In Your Heart
    Brisbane came into your hearts one day,
    So beautiful and smart,
    A dear and sweet companion,
    You loved him from the start.
    And though you knew the time would come,
    When you would have to part,
    Brisbane will never be forgotten,
    For he left paw prints in your heart.

    Thoughts & Prayers are with you both

  22. So very sorry for your loss! Thinking of you two, and Hobart, as well, during this rough, heartbreaking time.

  23. So very sorry you lost Brisbane. Our little familiars give us so much throughout their lives. He will always be with you both, in your hearts. Take care.

  24. Growing up on a farm and continuing that type of life now, is great - HOWEVER - the losses are felt deep. We know that it is just a part of life, but when a pet, becomes a loved one, becomes a part of the family; losing them is just as hard as losing a human life. I/we feel for your loss and hope that you will find a new joy in your life soon. Life does go on.

  25. With your own loss, you've beautifully summed up what so many of us have gone through at one time or another.

  26. I am so very sorry to read this. Hoping your memories will last forever. That's a beautiful & fitting poem. Hugs to you both.

  27. I am so very sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you. It's so sad and difficult to say goodbye to your dear little guy. I send you hugs, love and peace.

  28. So sorry for your loss. It is so hard to loss a fur baby.

    Sending hugs and kind thoughts to both of you, Janie

  29. Long time reader (lurker), first time poster...

    I'm so very sorry for your loss, it's so hard to let our furbabies go. We've had several who have live 15, 16, 17 years and have passed to the Rainbow Bridge. I know they're waiting for us to join them.

    Sending lots of love and gentle hugs to both of you

    San Pedro, CA

  30. So very sorry! I know it breaks your hearts. Always know he had a wonderful life from the day he found you two. He was one lucky kitten!

  31. No longer at your side, but ALWAYS in your heart.

  32. So very sorry for your loss of beloved Brisbane.

  33. So sorry to hear the sad news about Brisbane. As long-time cat lovers, we feel your pain and sorrow. Last year we lost the last of our 7 fur babies, who had all traveled with us from California to Australia in 2006. The grief you feel will ease, but you will never forget Brisbane. Sending every good thought, and hugs to you both.

  34. It is always hard to lose a pet which has become a member of your family. most of us has gone through it , it gets better but never goes away does it? Condolences.
    I am intreagued by your pets' Aussie names... in fact your header had me worried this morning as I live in Brisbane ! I'd love to hear the background to this one day.

  35. I am very sorry to hear about Brisbane. Your decision to let him go was a loving act for an old friend. Hugs to you both.

  36. Nooooooo! I'm so sad! I can't even imagine what you're going through with kitty loving hearts. I know Brisbane meant so much to you both. Hug each other from me. Maybe Sydney isn't so lonely where they are. Much love to you both.

  37. I have read every one of your posts for a couple of years or longer. I look forward to them everyday. I love to see the progress at your little farm and the yummy things you two make to eat. But reading about Brisbane made me so sad. It is one of the most difficult things to lose a pet. Brisbane knew you would do what was right for him but oh man that is a hard decision even though it was the right one. Time will heal a broken heart and maybe another little kitty in need will find it's way to your home to live with Hobert.

  38. I'm so sorry for your loss. Brisbane was an adorable kitty and cat. xxx

  39. My condolences to you both. Letting go of a beloved pet is a heartbreaking decision, even when you know it's best. Take comfort in knowing you still have those great memories of him.

  40. We grieve with you both. We have had cats for the last 37 years together. They are our children, our hearts, our souls. I know that they wait for us across the bridge.


  41. My condolences for your family's loss. Brisbane was a beautiful cat and he was loved a lot.


  42. I’m reading this today, bawling as I do. Love from us, and our furry black man, Joseph. F and D, Tasmania.


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