
Monday, January 15, 2018


It was cold this weekend.  I always like to take a picture that "looks" cold and we think this one does.  It certainly looks like Winter (minus the snow).

These are the wind chills this weekend.  Saturday was cold and Sunday got colder.  Now it's even colder as this posts today.

I went to the farm Saturday, really just to cover the trees back up and check on things.  We uncovered them last weekend, just to let them breathe, even though it says you can leave the covers on all Winter.  Still would rather have them off when no danger of a hard freeze.  Some of the leaves yellowed but the trees are still green and flexible.  Fingers crossed.  

Lost the lemongrass.  Well, at least what we can see above ground.  We'll see what comes back in the Spring after we trim it back to the ground.  But lemongrass we knew was not hard freeze tolerant. We just hope the underground root portion will make it come back in the Spring. 

The garden is doing fine.  Slow growing, but we did bring collard greens back home.  Will use those this week.  The cabbage has tiny little heads, not sure if they will produce.  I think we might have gotten these off to a late start after the hurricane rains and the late warm weather.  The garlic is doing what it's supposed to do above ground, hoping it's doing the same below ground, ha.  

Had a nice dinner of pan roasted pork chops and Brussels sprouts with bacon and balsamic. Pork and pork?  Sure, why not, ha.  It was delicious. 

Woke up to this alert today from the city of Houston.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) we may see sleet and/or snow.  

Stay safe!  And stay warm!


  1. We have been having a mild winter, not much snow, but then we had enough snow last year to do us for the next ten years, LOL. I do get tired of the bare trees and the brown grass. The best part about winter is that it ushers in spring:) Your garden is amazing, so far ahead of ours. I'm looking forward to getting out there and getting my hands dirty again.
    Happy farming!
    Connie :)
    P.S. Pop over and put your name in the hat for my 6th year blogging anniversary Give-A-Way, the more the merrier:)

    1. Thank you so much! And I'm a new follower of yours too! Thanks for the heads up. Oh my, I get tired of the bare trees too. It's so desolate and depressing, ha. Give me Spring greens! Thank you again!!

  2. My favorite pork chop dinner are those that are pan fried in bacon grease with a side of chopped bacon and cabbage. Just ran out of our own chops so no more till the next group of porkers go to the locker, thus you've given me serious pork chop envy. We had 4 inches more of snow overnight here in central Illinois and high winds with white out conditions. Oh well, spring in just WEEKS and weeks away!

    1. Ha, I should have said that yep, 2nd Man used bacon fat in the chops, ha. We buy our pork chops when we can from a local (near-ish) supplier. SO good. I'd be embarrassed for you to see our new coverage for tomorrow, you'd think the end of the world is coming and um, it's going to sleet, light snow, and ice on the roads. For a day. Sigh.

  3. We are due snow here tomorrow, too. Those pork chops look delicious. I have some frozen, so may thaw them after that picture. If you put poles/sticks around the trees to hold the cover out, they won't freeze. Touching the cover will still allow freezing. I must plant my garlic and onions!

    1. Thanks. I bet you get WAY more snow than we do. For us a light dusting brings the city to a standstill. I thought about that with the sticks. I'll have to work on that. Might be too late this year but I can get some poles to work on that for next year.

  4. This has been a much colder winter than I remember in a long time. I don't think I wore a coat one time last year and this year I have gone out very few days without at least a jacket.
    The good thing about gardens is they are resilient and if things don't make it they can be replanted.

    1. Definitely that way here. We're breaking all sorts of records. Gardens are resilient aren't they? Stay warm!

  5. Stay warm, stay safe. And Anne is right about gardens. Surprisingly resilient things. And replanting can be fun too.

    1. Yep any reason to buy and plant more I'm ok with. Hope we don't lose a lot but planting is always fun, especially in Spring. Thanks!!

  6. Your garden is looking very good. So glad the covers worked for your trees. I think you can cut the lemongrass back to the ground and it should come back from the roots.
    That is such a delicious-looking supper - and the bacon made it even better!
    Ugh, I am getting tired of these hard freezes! I had to cover up my garden again. But I’d rather cover it up than lose it like I did last year when it got into the low 20’s. I got my garden in a little later this fall, so my broccoli and cauliflower are just now starting to produce - I should get my first pick of them in a few days, so I am definitely going to protect them.
    Tomorrow it’s going to be a stay-inside-and-cook-soup day.
    Keep warm and safe.

    1. Thanks, I still think I started too late on the cabbage but hey, maybe with this weather we'll have cabbage in February, ha.

      Bacon makes everything better, LOL! I'm thinking we'll be working a half day tomorrow. Fortunately my office is not far from the apartment so I can get home easily. 2nd Man is staying in and working from home tomorrow (I don't have that ability, unfortunately).

      Stay warm!!! Fingers crossed for all our plants, pipes. pets, etc.

  7. Pork and pork is just fine by me :) Your photos does look cold! The clouds really give it that bone-chilling feel! I can't wait to start my garden again! :)


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