
Friday, February 16, 2018


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock, where people can put the things they don't want.  

I've found several cool items so far.
Here is the latest!

Four dozen glass bottles
Downstairs, I found these two cases of empty bottles. Topo Chico is a bottled sparking water. When I saw them I immediately imagined them as drinking bottles, with some cool striped straws in them, at some future event at the farm.

Most bottles like these you can't remove the labels... 

Topo Chico glass bottles
...but these peel off!  

And that will leave us with beautiful, blue green glass bottles. Forty eight bottles. It'll be some work getting all the labels off (great rainy day activity) and then washing them (well, the dishwasher in town will help that part, ha) but it'll be worth it in the end. We'll get a plastic storage box to keep them in and put them away until needed.  


  1. Awesome. Lucky you to get such bottles.
    Bottles like that make for nice vases buy putting a single flower in each bottle and placing them down the center of your inside or on your outside picnic/party table when you have a gathering / party out at the farm. Can even stuff some fairy - battery operated lights inside for a pretty night time décor.

    1. Vases is a great idea! I like that too. Thanks!!

  2. Bottle Tree! An old time Texas tradition, especially in old farm yards. :)


    1. I never thought about that. I've seen those. Hmm, I might have to think about that. Or just look for more bottles, ha.

  3. They will be a charming touch to an event and they didn't cost a penny . . . I love brilliant recycling ideas like this. Others would pay $3 a bottle to add this unique charm to a party. Very intelligent idea!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Connie :)

    1. Free is the best isn't it? The ultimate in recycling. I never thought about how much you might have to pay for them. Thanks for the comment!

  4. Sounds like you're planning the party already!

    1. Oh we have so many ideas, planning is going on continually. I really want to do a 4th of July party but some more other stuff has to be done first.

  5. so cool! i like them with the labels! they would be so nice on the table under barnabas filled with lemonade!

    1. You know, the labels aren't so bad. I'll have to give that some consideration too. Thanks!!!

      Mmm, now I want lemonade. :-)

  6. Wow, what a great idea! You are so creative. With those straws, they’ll be a really cool way to serve beverages. You need to get a recycling award!!

    Like Colleen said, I’m saving some unique bottles for flower vases and like Vonne said I’m saving colored wine bottles for a bottle tree. See how your recycling/upcycling mindset has inspired us!!

    1. Thank you. A bottle tree is a great idea huh? I guess this might be a bit small for that, but we do regularly see wine bottles downstairs, of different colors. I'll have to watch for me. Thanks!!

  7. Once you wash them, put a cork in each to keep them clean. Spiders and other bugs just love to get inside bottles and jars, making it a chore to get them out. Of course, you will want to at least rinse them out before using and after the cork comes out. Nice find!

    1. This is brilliant! I never thought about something like that to keep them clean after they are cleaned. Thank you! I'll have to take one and go looking for some at the store.

  8. Forty-eight blue green glass bottles on the wall
    Forty-eight bottles of beer
    You take one down
    And pass it around
    Forty-seven blue green glass bottles on the wall!

  9. a garden wall out of cob and place the bottle inside in a pattern for the sun to shine through. It's all the rage in the Earthship hopes of New Mexico!

    1. It's so funny you mentioned that, I just watched a documentary on tv about recycling things for building and they showed some of those bottles in walls of Earthship homes. Thanks!!


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