
Thursday, February 1, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Hanging flowers in frame, image via
This might seem like a weird picture, but there is something oddly enchanting about it.  It's a hanging basket of flowers of course, with a frame hanging around them.  It's like a real 3D "painting" of flowers, ha.  While it might not make sense on an "unattended" basis, what with windstorms and all, for a dinner or a weekend of relaxing, this would be a pretty focal point to hang under a tree to share with visitors or just enjoy the beauty ourselves. 

Ideas, we just like to get ideas for the future. 

Be inspired!


  1. Loving this but like you mentioned with the winds we have in Texas, it could wreak havoc.
    I have done something on the order of this, hanging in the house by using succulent plants but a person probably could do the about same using herb plants and hanging indoors; finding just the right spot of course or even hanging on porch

  2. Great for a dinner party under your Garden Party Tree!

  3. I agree, there is something oddly enchanting about it. I have been looking for ideas to create an inexpensive natural screen to place somewhere out by my vegetable garden boxes. A small area to sit and rest and enjoy that garden.
    This is the time of year when we are all looking for new ideas for the garden . . . garden dreaming does help pass the time until warm Spring weather :)
    Happy gardening!
    Connie :)

  4. The wind would have a good time with that. You can change the flowers by the season this way. I have places with no flowers where this would work.

  5. This is a lovely idea. It really catches the eye and makes you do a double-take to see if it's real or a painting.

  6. That is really a cute idea! :) I love it...I WILL steal it! :)


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