
Tuesday, February 13, 2018


So when I was out in the garden at the farm, I saw these black birds all over the ground behind our property.  Click any picture to enlarge:

There were dozens and at first I just saw them as regular black birds we see all the time.  

Red-winged Blackbirds in flight
But then as they took flight, I saw these beautiful red spots on their wings.  A quick Google search found this entry about them:


Red-winged Blackbirds
They were very pretty and I watched them for quite a while.  It makes us realize the diversity of wildlife at the farm and how much we have to learn.  I can say I've lived in Houston most of my life and never saw these types of birds.  It's not like they are rare, but they just aren't always around.  We got lucky to have a flock stop by and visit.  

We need to do more to attract and take care of birds in the area.  It's really fun to discover new things!


  1. They use Cattails as a nesting place. Please don't clear Cattails out of your ponds

  2. I love those and had one at my feeder the other day. At the farm, they usually are found around puddles and ponds among the cattails.

    1. There were definitely puddles and standing water in that field. They loved it! They are so pretty.

  3. I love those birds, the flash of colour on their wings is fantastic! They have a nice call too. We have a little swampy area behind our yard in the woods and they hang out there. I love discovering birds and watching them. I've been trying to increase the bird feeding too when I can afford it!

    1. The burst of color is so surprising and so pretty. We want to increase bird feeding at the farm too.

  4. In my dry yard in the city, black birds abound in the spring. I don't know if they are blackbirds, crows, or starlings. The sound of them rising all at once and the sight of their swooping off to one side or the other is amazing.

    1. Isn't it though? A huge gathering of birds is just stunning.

  5. we see these birds in the spring; they stop at our bird feeder.

    1. How cool. You are taking care of them. Funny to think some of these might be stopping at your feeder!!! Small world indeed.

  6. Here in Maine, red winged blackbirds are one of the signs of spring. Love to hear their "song". They like damp or swampy areas. It'll be a month or more before they're here though, we still have lots of snow and cold weather.

    1. It was definitely damp and swampy where they were. And they loved it. I forgot to mention the "song" yep, so nice to hear. I guess for us maybe a sign of Spring? Bring it on! ha.

  7. Really beautiful when you see those flashes of red. What a treat to see that big flock at the Farm! I love feeding the birds every day and seeing all the activity and beauty right outside my kitchen door.

    1. I see "regular" blackbirds all the time in Houston but seeing the pops of red was so unexpected and so neat to see. Beauty is all around us if we just look, isn't it?

  8. The red-wings are my favorite because when I hear their song I know Spring is just around the corner... finally.

    1. I love that they are harbingers of Spring. They had a wonderful song too. Thanks!!!


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