
Saturday, February 10, 2018


Woke up to this.  Ugh.  Pouring rain.  I mean, water is good, but not on the weekend!  So the farm will be hit and miss this weekend.  
It's supposed to rain all day.  

It's going to be an interesting weekend.  At least the temps are OK.  They are kind of Springlike, ha.

Will go to the farm just to check on things, water the plants on the porch and drop off some things but then back into town.

But it will come soon enough.  Until then I will stay inside where it's dry and sit back with a glass of wine and dream of Spring...


  1. Near 70 here. It will reach 70 several days next week, but rain is predicted for about 6 days, less each day. I am going to cut branches of forsythia to force. That is close to spring. In between the rain bouts, I am going to try to plant bulbs in pots. No time for dreaming here, just a little action with some help. Actually, dreaming about help is what I dream about. I just cannot get the soil into the pots.

    1. Oh I love forsythia. Such a pretty plant. I don't think it does well here in our heat. Oh well. If I was close to you, I'd be glad to help out if I could. Just do a small bit each day and you'll get there.

  2. Yesterday was 57, today 39 (27 with wind chill). I keep hoping for rain, as we have been really dry. I did start some lettuce,spinach and pea seeds indoors. Hopefully you will have done dry spells this weekend

    1. Well as you probably saw, no break from the rain. And it rained again today. And we're in the 30's now. But supposed to be near 80 by the end of the week. I wish the weather would make up its mind, ha.

  3. Ok, it's 33 deg. here right now which didn't quite make it to 59 deg today. Overcast, windy and darn Cold. Going to get down to 29 deg. here tonight with freezing rain. :{
    Don't like driving on icy roads so went and stocked up on groceries this afternoon.

    1. Glad you are in and safe. That freezing stuff got somewhat close but stayed far enough away. Still wet and cold though. And that damp cold is the worst. Ugh. Come on Spring!

  4. At least it was nice going to sleep last night listening to the rain - I love that sound.

    1. Oh rain on the rood if wonderful. We don't hear that in the apartment anymore but at the house it's so good. It's one reason I'd love a metal roof at the farm but not sure we need a 10k roof on a 10k house, ha.

  5. Cold, snow, wind, sleet and repeat here in Illinois. Just your average winter. Using the time we are not feeding animals to plan gardens and barn completion. My preferred evening snack is Jameson though. :)

    1. Planning is so rewarding, mentally and eventually physically when the plans become actions. Jameson, hmm, I'll have to meet him. ;-)

  6. Still winter here in MN for another couple months. Thanks for sharing, following southern bloggers sure helps the cabin fever. 😊

    1. Thank you, and welcome, thanks for stopping by!!! Hang in there, it'll warm up and when we're dying of heatstroke here, y'all will be nice and cool. :-)


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