
Monday, April 2, 2018


Saturday was a gorgeous day at the farm.  I got there early, 2nd Man stayed in town because he had to work and of course make my birthday lasagna, ha.

It was actually the first full mowing of the season.  Last time I only mowed part of it because of rain. Oh speaking of, we got FIVE INCHES of rain last week!  Thankfully the ground soaked it up like a sponge so there was no standing water to worry about by the time Saturday rolled around. 

We love the way it all looks when mowed.  And now GREEN!  Everywhere!  Finally!

Mint in flowerbed
Remember last year we planted some mint?  I thought the freeze had killed it but it's sprung up everywhere in this corner bed. That's what we had hoped for.  This bed is "self contained" and separated by the stairs on each side so it won't spread elsewhere. I think this is the peppermint.

Raised bed orchard
Fruit trees are going great.

Kind of hard to see them in this picture, they blend in with all the green.  This coming weekend I hope to add some more soil to their raised beds and then mulch them with the same straw we use in the garden.  It keeps the weeds down and keep them moist in the heat of Summer.  

The garden is doing its thing. Had one leak in a hose but I fixed that. Hope it lasts to next weekend!  These are the tomatoes.  They've already grown about an inch.  

These are the eggplants and two of the herbs.  Also growing well along with all the other plants but we won't bore you with pictures of every raised bed, ha. 

Lorz Italian garlic
I DID do this however...

I sacrificed one garlic to see what was going on underground. Since they still have another two months or so of growing, this is great progress.  Considering this came from one single garlic clove last Fall, I think we're finally on the right track. This is Lorz Italian, a variety best suited for our growing climate.  I think we're doing it right this time.

Forward into the rest of Spring!


  1. i love spring garlic. it costs more than regular at the farmers markets but i buy it anyways. your place looks great! we had 5 inches of snow last night!

    1. 5 inches of rain, 5 inches of snow there, that's crazy. I didn't realize Spring garlic was a thing. Fingers crossed it keeps going!

  2. And now the fun starts when you can go and spend some real time at the farm.

  3. I would have to sacrifice a garlic to see if it was doing what it is supposed to do. Everything looks great!

    1. Yep, it had to be done. Now that we see the progress, we're going to further it along as best we can.

  4. Your freshly mowed lawn looks so inviting - all those shades of green against the blue sky are so beautiful and peaceful.
    Wow, 5 inches of rain - everything got a good deep soaking. I got 2 inches. It gave a good growth boost to everything.
    Isn’t it so much fun to go to your garden after several days away and see how much it’s grown? Your garlic is coming along nicely - you’re going to have a very good crop soon.
    The mint came back really well. And with them just off the porch, they are convenient to add to your glass of iced tea as you take a break and soak in the beauty of your wonderful farm.
    With these nice sunny days that aren't too hot or too cool, it's just a joy to be outside now.

    1. Yes, the fruit trees exploded with leaves and blooms and buds. It's nice to know we could skip watering over the weekend when we have lots of rain during the week. These days are just glorious to be outside. Mint is nice and shooting up. We're ok if it just fills up that corner.

  5. Everything looks Marvelous.
    My strawberry plants are blooming and starting to get berries setting on :}

    1. Thank you and yay for berries! I'm going to have to try strawberries, maybe next season. Not sure if I should turn one of the unused beds into a strawberry bed. Keep us posted.


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