
Sunday, April 22, 2018


It's a picture free post this morning... 

Didn't go to the farm yesterday, we had rainy and overcast conditions most of the day as a front pushed through and we had another adventure to go on (more on that tomorrow). 

2nd Family says we had almost 2 inches of rain. Today however is BEAUTIFUL and cool again!  We're OK with that though, it'll be hot and humid soon enough.  I'm guessing that it's going to be too wet to mow but I'll see what I can do. Probably not too wet to edge.  Sigh, I think edging is the thing I dislike the most, at least while I'm doing it. When it's done of course, I feel a sense of accomplishment with everything so neat and tidy.

I'll need to check the garden.  Thinking we might need to adjust the watering because we may be watering a bit too much with all this rain.  Thankfully, I won't have to water the fruit trees since we've had about 3 inches total since last weekend. 

Have a couple other projects to do, including the never ending task of tidying things up in the house and the barn/workshop.  

At least the weather is cooperating today.

Hope you are having a great weekend so far!


  1. Unable to mow here as the grass is still 2 wet but at least the sun is out and have a nice breeze blowing.
    Enjoy your day

    1. Couldn't mow here either. It was standing water EVERYWHERE. About 3 inches total. Thankfully, the grass didn't grow much from last week so I should be good for this coming weekend (no rain in the forecast!)

  2. It is raining here right now and for the last ten hourstop--nonstop. My yard needs mowing but that won't happen for a few days until it dries out. I cannot wait to see the project you were working on.

    1. Oh, there isn't a project (yet ha). We went to a game. Post tomorrow. It was rainy and severe weather so we couldn't go tot he farm so we went to a sporting event. I DID however manage a couple of small projects at the farm today. Details on those in upcoming posts as well. Stay dry yourself and safe!!

  3. After a dreary, rainy day yesterday, it was a really gorgeous day today. Hope you had a good day at the Farm!

    1. It was a good day! SO pretty and cool. And looks like this weekend will be more of the same (with no rain!).

  4. 1st Man,
    The rain sure helps the garden and your orchard. It also cuts back on the chore of having to water.

    1. Yes, that's for sure. And yep, It was nice not having to water everything the last couple of weekends. Nice to "see" you!!! Y'all are making great progress, keep it up.


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