
Thursday, April 5, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!


This is something that might actually happen sooner rather than later. I've been thinking about an outdoor shower. It just makes sense after a day of being outside in the heat.  And it keeps things cleaner inside too.  

Since "R" is going to be putting a faucet on the back of the house for watering the fruit trees, I've been researching some ideas for outdoor showers.  These two pictures are examples. 

Outdoor shower image via
It could also become something as simple as just attaching to the hose directly until such time we can have it permanently plumbed.  We'll see how it all comes out. 

Be inspired!


  1. Cool Idea. Would feel mighty good on a very Hot summer day. That would really be nice for you out there on the farm place. The livestock would really be keeping an eye on you then. :}
    We have too many fly-overs; from helicopters - private planes, hot air balloons, as well as the much larger planes for that to work here. (sure don't need any air crashes out here)

    1. LOL, the guys might get a good look but yeah that would be it. We rarely have anything fly over so we're safe.

  2. That is such a great idea. It would be convenient and so refreshing for you after mowing and other garden work.
    It looks like they are located outside the house bathroom, so the plumbing would be fairly simple to extend to the outside.

    1. The spot we would use is right on the outside bathroom wall. It's the only spot that also has the really high up smaller window. We maybe have to do a hose type set up for a bit but I have some ideas in mind. Need to figure out a way to drain the water so it doesn't run under the house. Or stand. Might have to dig out a small hole and fill with gravel.

  3. This is something in our not too distant future t the lake place. We want somewhere with warm water where people can shower easily.

    1. Eventually we'd like it plumbed permanently but int he interim I think we're gonna go with hose turned into a shower. Stay tuned!

  4. This has been a want of mine for ages. When someone mows and leaves, I feel differently than when a person mows and drags is all indoors! The hot water and mixer would help to motivate the mower to shower outdoors. Grass/dirt provide allergens that bother me, so I have to medicate for the person to come in.

    I did not bathe outdoors, but I did discover the heated water from the water hose was perfect for rinsing my hair one day after I washed it and suddenly there was no water! So, a rolled up hose hanging on the wall would be like a solar water heater. You can buy those bags that do provide a bit of hot water.

    Where you do put the shower, make sure you put down stepping stones to get to the door or you will have trash indoors. If you use PEX, the hoses will not burst if you do not get them drained perfectly for the winter.

    A bench/chair to sit on in the shower would be my wish!

    Since I have had the outdoor faucet, I have kept a bottle of Dawn and a rag of some sort out there. Exbf could wash his hands or arms instead of coming in filthy. (He was not mowing the lawn.) People just get dirty outdoors!

    1. What great advice, thank you!! I didn't think about the stepping stones. I'll have to see what we can come up with. And yeah, we hope that sun will warm the water a bit. But on our hot days, cold is fine too. I like the idea of a place to sit too. Y'all are all getting me excited about maybe working on this project sooner. I need to start sketching out some ideas.

      And yes, people get dirty!

  5. Up in the Pocono's where my friends have a camping cabin, they have a outdoor shower and kitchen. Nothing like showering outside!!!! And in the mountains it's even better feeling. The house where I stay in Ptown has a outdoor shower too, but more for to get sand off the feet...unless one doesn't mind being watched from the second floor windows of the house next door.

    I say do it!!!!

    1. I can't wait for that feeling. I can imagine it's nice. Something like being one with nature. We'll see what I can come up with. Thank you for the encouragement!! OH and no worry about peeping neighbors, ha. This is even on the back of the house so nobody would know. Unless I got caught off guard by 2nd family, ha.

  6. Not only a way to keep things cleaner inside, but it just sounds amazing and tranquil to shower outside. I think of hearing the birds sing, the leaves rustle and being one with nature. Another way to enjoy summer:)

    1. Thank you, that's what I was thinking, just being "in the moment".

  7. Three years ago when we moved to the Poor Farm and lived in our dinky camper, we showered outdoors. Managed it for 7 months April- October. It became very Zen and I miss it. Hope to build another outdoor shower soon.

    1. I can't wait to try it. It has to be a great feeling. we might not have anything fancy but water and sky is all that's requires, ha. Love the Zen description feeling.


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