
Wednesday, May 30, 2018


This weekend was a good one for a variety of reasons.  I got a lot mowed (always feel good after that) and then of course the garlic harvest on Sunday (see yesterday's post for that info).

 Veggie harvest
We also got to harvest some veggies and herbs.  Here is a basket of fresh basil and oregano as well as some cucumbers and banana peppers.  It almost looks like a meal just ready to be assembled.  

Bruce plum
And what is this?  A tomato?  No, those are still growing.  This is a plum.  This variety specifically is a Bruce plum.  It was on the tree Saturday and turning a deep reddish pink.  On Sunday, while I was there, it dropped off.  Not sure why but hey, at least I was there to retrieve it.  I resisted the temptation to eat it since 2nd Man had to stay in town so I put it in the fridge and brought it back into town.

Bruce plum inside
We sliced it in half and each ate a piece.

WOW.   Was it ever good.

A lot of flavor packed into that little plum. There are about four more on the tree, all green. Not sure how this one turned before the others but maybe that's what they do. We just hope we get to the others before they drop off.  

Apple blossom
And guess what else we have?  Our first ever apple blossoms!  Not just here...

Dorsett Golden apple blossom
...but two different branches!  We're hoping that this year we get our first ever apples.  This is on the Dorsett Golden apple tree.  It's been in the ground two years now so hopefully it will do it's thing.

It's nice to see a payoff to hard work, albeit a small payoff but one nonetheless.  It's shows us we've done something right.  Now we just need time.


  1. Your commitment and hard work is really pay off big time
    That plum sure does look juicy and delicious.
    Your peppers and cucumbers are really doing well along with fresh herbs. How Wonderful From the farm, to the table to the fork.

    Drying fresh herbs:

    1. You can make and can some Bread & Butter pickles using them cucumbers

  2. That did look sweet and juicy. Was the plum the tree fruit that you could not readily identify? I wish I had fruit trees!

  3. Gorgeous fruits, vegs, and herbs! All beautifully farm-grown from your garden. That plum looked so juicy. The apple blossoms are as pretty as any flower.

  4. Amazing isn't it? How sweet, how perfect, the fruit and veg is that we've grown ourselves. Jealous you have cukes already. Mine not even sprouted out of the ground yet but we've been in salad heaven lately.

  5. Great work and wonderful results!

  6. wow...harvesting already! my cukes are about an inch big. i have quite a way to go until harvest time. i have about a dozen apples on my one tree. it's been horribly hot here.


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