
Thursday, June 14, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

As we've said before on the blog, we really want some window boxes at the farm. My Grandmother had one, exactly one, ha, at her house and I always remember seeing it from the inside, bright flowers peeking through the curtains.  We've looked at various ideas online and we saw this one and really liked it.  It's a window box but not really a box.  Seems like it could be pretty easy to accomplish.  Wooden shelf, cut holes, clay pots, and brackets.  Add soil, flowers and water.  It's something that could work as we could switch the pots out and even move them around as needed.  

The house has all manner of windows that just cry out for a window box.  This is one end of the house, the first window the foyer and the other two the master bedroom sitting area.  

We had put the plans for boxes on hold until we had the exterior painted and done but I'm thinking now that sooner is better rather than later so we can start enjoying the color.  I might just try out something like the one earlier in the post, start simple until later when maybe we do something more substantial as a window box.  

Be inspired!


  1. they would look wonderful on your house. they dry out really fast though.

    1. THANKS! I think they would be really cute. You're right they do dry fast, but might have some options for that. Will have to check and see.

  2. I really do like this concept rather than having planted boxes. IT would be very simple to change out the plants. I would use the insides of a diaper for part of the soil just to keep more moisture available for the plants.

    1. That's what we liked, easy to change out plants, even move them around if one gets more sun and needs to face another direction just swap out on a different window. Love the idea of the diapers. Cool. Thanks for the info.

  3. Now that's a great idea, no drainage problem rotting out the bottom of the box, but they will dry out quickly (terracota) you can build a front and sides on the shelf so it looks like a box and give a uniform look to all the windows. if drying out is an issue , plants in pots in a box with a metal tray bottom or just same method as above with self watering pots used instead.
    Looking forward to pics of what you plant.

    1. Good point! about the rotting out the bottom. And that's a thought about building sides. I looks like a box and still has the ability to swap out. Thanks for the suggestions!!

  4. That's a very pretty look. Windows boxes add so much color and life to a house.

    1. And you know we want more color, ha. I'm going to see about measuring the windows for the size of the shelves this weekend (before the rains hit). Might even look for brackets. Just need to figure out the easy way to cut the holes, ha.

  5. Taking pots outside for the dirty work of changing plants is a good idea rather than hanging out the window. I would put them in a plastic tub in order to carry them out of the house to replant. I have often thought a planter outside a kitchen window would work great for lettuces. I think there are terra cotta pots that are glazed on the outside to help the pots retain moisture.

    1. Good idea there. And great for just outside the kitchen window. Of course, our kitchen window faces onto the porch, ha. And what a wonderful idea bout the glazed pots. thanks!!

  6. Garden Answer is awesome.

  7. love the look of window boxes. Gives a pop of color and also adds nice curb appeal to a home.
    What I have done in the past is used artificial silk flowers. Can make some beautiful arrangements, plus no watering involved and also flowers can be changed out from season to season; holiday to holiday, etc. plus you can also add those tiny fairy lights or even solar lights to your window boxes.

    I would buy most of my artificial silk flowers at resale shops, garage sales, thrift stores, and even from dumpsters that people / stores would throw away,etc. Once arranged nicely in planter box, people from a distance didn't know they where fake.
    Something to think about if you so desire to go that route instead of using live plants.

    Planting silk flowers in window boxes:


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