
Sunday, June 10, 2018


Thought you might all enjoy seeing this...

Remember the fluffy baby donkey that we posted about a couple of months ago?  It belongs to the neighbors on one side of us.

He (she? tried to see but couldn't, ha) is growing up fast.  Color is changing a bit too.  Getting a bit darker and less fluffy.

They all roamed over to the fence line while I was outside and wanted to see what was going on.  

I think this is Mama, as they stayed really close.  The one in the bottom corner of this picture was super friendly, letting me give it some good ear scratching.

We had one carrot left in the house and I chopped it up and gave it to them.  Not sure if the little one got any, the bigger ones ate it up quickly.  

Next time I'll bring more!

Hope you are having a good weekend.  Weather is hit and miss here.  Hot, rainy, cooler, hot again...lather/rinse/repeat.

Update tomorrow including a really pretty harvest and garlic and fruit tree updates.


  1. Adorable. Thanks for sharing these.
    They sure are curious watching every move you make and wanting more carrots.
    Think maybe next year you best plant a carrot patch.
    Enjoy your day and have a great evening

    1. Ha, that's a good idea, maybe planting a bunch and leaving most for us to pull and "share"!

  2. Those pictures are cute. How many babies did she have? You get all the benefits of cuteness without having to care for animals. good deal.

    1. I think just one, at least all that we or 2nd Family has seen. But yes we love the animals around us where we get to visit and enjoy their "company" (when they are at the fence line ha) and then we can leave whenever we are ready, ha.

  3. Replies
    1. Yep, I'll have to look, ahem, more closely, next time.

  4. She is adorable . . . I love her long coat, will that go away in time or will she always have long hair?
    Thanks of sharing your photos with us.

    1. I don't know for sure but I think so. I had no idea they were so furry when born.

  5. Still kinda fluffy and sooo cute! They are training you well about always having some snacks for them. I love your caption - it sure looks like Mama is whispering something to her baby.

    1. A little fluffy still but so cute. And she did whisper something, I'm sure of it (ha!!!!)

  6. Oh my goodness! So adorable! You definitely need to bring more carrots with you next time. :-) I feel you on the rain. We've had so much of it I am growing gills. It has never rained so much here in Maryland! My goodness. I haven't had to water my garden since I planted everything on Mother's day. Sheesh.

    1. DEFINITELY more carrots next time. Already have it on the list. "Just in case" ha. And yep we're getting some more rain, quite possibly a lot, this weekend.

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