
Sunday, June 3, 2018


We started at Karbach Brewery and Restaurant for our nephews 21st birthday.  It was outdoors in the biergarten so it was hot but thankfully we were under a covered pavilion.

Good food, cold beer, and family.

Karbach Lemon Ginger Radler
Karbach is right across from the stadium and so they have some special mugs. Side note, I've never been a beer person, but I love the Karbach Lemon Ginger Radler (above).  Who knew I'd like beer?

Karbach Sabercats mugs
Nice souvenirs of the day to bring home. "J" had a wonderful 21st birthday with family and friends and we were grateful to be a part of it.   

About 7:40, we donned our wrist bands and headed to the stadium.  

Houston Sabercats
Rugby time as the Houston Sabercats took to the field.  The sun was starting to set and there was actually a cool(ish) breeze.

Matt Trouville
Rough and tumble as always. 

Rugby under the lights
It wasn't long until the sun was gone and it was time for rugby under the lights!

We had the ball a few times but Seattle was a good team and by halftime...

...the Seattle Seawolves had managed to score  twice and put six points on the board. 

Houston vs Seattle
After the half, the Seawolves scored the first "try" of the game and that made the score 13-0.

This is one of my favorite parts of the game, it's called a "lineout".  Here Matt Trouville gets the ball during the lineout.

Sam Windsor
We finally had our first try of the game and Sam Windsor converted bringing the score to 7-20.  

Sabercats vs Seawolves
But in the end, sigh, we lost.

It was the last home game of the season, there are two more games on the road.  Here's hoping the guys win both of them!


  1. It sounds like lots of fun on a very hot day. I just read that newer beers do not have hops and are a lot better to drink, less hoppy.

    1. It was fun, hot but fun. And yes, I don't know much about hops and all that but I never liked beer that much and that's possibly the reason. This ginger lemon was really good. I hear there is a blood orange that's delish too.

  2. Glad you had a nice day! Fingers crossed for 2 road victories.

    1. Yes, road victories are our last chance!! :-)

  3. I'm not a beer person either, wine is more to my taste, but I might have to try these newer kinds of beer like that lemon ginger.
    Some exciting scenes from the game! You do a great highlights recap.

    It was sooo hot today and I had to be out in it for an extended time this afternoon - I was just drained and dripping afterwards. You're getting some wonderful rain right now but the weatherman said it would probably play out before it gets a bit further southwest to here. We REALLY need some rain here.

    1. I really liked it. And trust me, NOT a beer fan here either. I like the light kinda sweet ones and this one was kind of like a gingerly beer, ha. OMG it was SO hot here too. Sunday I was at the farm and it was just miserably hot. I had to work in quick spurts, work, cool down, work, cool down....tis the season!

  4. Is it just me, or are rugby players everywhere just hot? I mean, I suppose football and soccer and basketball and baseball players are good looking too but something about rugby. I am rooting for your team, and thanking you for some nice pictures, ha.

    1. Um, yeah, it's not just you, ha. More pictures as I get them. :-)

  5. GO CATS GO! I hope Houston wins the next two road games! Byron

    p.s. I see I'm not the only night owl, looks like Janie V is too, haha.

    1. Thanks Byron, fingers crossed for the Cats!!! And yep, looks like y'all were up at the same time. I'm usually up pretty late as well. :-)

  6. I feel like I'm reading a foreign language when I read about the scoring in rugby. I've only seen one game ever years ago when my niece was playing for Princeton.

    1. Hey, we've only seen a few games and we're still confused. But learning, slowly but surely with each passing game we watch!

  7. Sounds like a good time was had by all. Too bad your Sabercats lost.
    We had a very nice shower of rain earlier this morning. Really cooled the temperature down a bit; 76 deg. I can handle them temperatures. Sat. we was over 100 and mercy was it ever Hot.
    Enjoy your day

    1. Definitely fun by all. The storm was intense when it hit downtown but it too fizzled. 2nd Family said we had no measurable rain at the farm.


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