
Thursday, July 26, 2018


(Farm Shark sighting pic at end of post)

Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Flower along picket fence, image via
We love flowers.  While not at the farm full time, we can't always have flowers like this, but it doesn't stop us from saving images of things we like.  And these are just so pretty.  Colorful, casual and sort of an organized chaos.  Of course I want to find just the right spot for a white picket fence because, well, it's a white picket fence!

Be inspired!

Farm Shark
While I was roaming around the property, I saw this by the old mesquite tree!  The feared Farm Shark!


  1. The mixed colors of the cornflower or at times called bachelor buttons look lovely along the white picket fencing.

    Farm sign; -"Beware"Land Shark crossing." It sure does look hungry

    1. Thanks for the flower id. So pretty aren't they? Oh, I like the shark crossing sign idea. Though visitors might go "whaaaaat??"

  2. I planted some of those bachelor buttons along a fence out my one of my vegetable gardens. They say that you only have to plant them once and then from then on they reseed themselves. I hope so, they are so pretty. Great inspiration, you'll have to give them a try. I'm happy that I did.
    Connie :)

    1. Really, that's a great thing to know. I will have to check that out. See if they grow here. The colors are just so pretty and I like the random nature of the sizes. Thank you!!

  3. I love the messy look. That seems like the kind of flower garden you could have even if you are not there all the time. Now that sharks are at your house, it seems like the deer are at risk.

    1. Messy is neat ha! You are right I never thought about that perspective, we don't have to be there to "maintain" them if we just let them do their thing. Thank you!

      And yes, now I'm worried about the deer. :-)

  4. I love the orange and yellow Cosmos.. They do well in the heat,butterflies and hummingbirds love them.. They do reseed

    1. Yay, thanks for the info. Heat, well yep, we have heat!

  5. Bachelors buttons are considered a lovely weed here in NJ, and I wouldn't be surprised if they would grow well for you, too. Drought tolerant, carefree, and blue, what's not to like?

    1. Drought tolerant is perfect for us not being there full time. Thank you for this info.

  6. The flowers along the picket fence is so pretty! Can't say the shark is pretty but it makes me laugh!

    1. They are pretty aren't they? And yep, in honor of shark week on Discovery channel (which we love every year) every post this week has had a farm shark picture, ha.


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