
Thursday, July 19, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Always looking for fun little ideas of things that we could do sometime.  We have seen some galvanized tub ponds, of various sizes but when we saw this, with the fountain, we thought it was a neat idea.   Especially tucked into the corner of a flowerbed.  A water feature, with the sound of falling water, is always welcome when relaxing on the porch.  

Hmm, we do still have that galvanized tub that I found downstairs at the apartment...

Be inspired!  


  1. Sound of a water feature is always relaxing and setting one up right by your porch would be great; especially being you have a water faucet right there handy.
    Most quality fountains include some form of a variable speed pump. You can use to dial in the perfect sound for your fountain. Remember the more pressure, the more noise your fountain will create.
    You may not want a loud waterfall to where you have to speak over the sound of the water, but in the same sense, you don't want a waterfall so silent it doesn't provide you with any of the soothing sounds normally associated with the sound of running water.
    The container and size of container can make a difference.

    1. Great point about the sound. Never thought about that. Thank you!

  2. What a lovely fountain! You're right about the sound of water!

    1. Isn't the sound so relaxing (in moderation of course, ha). It actually even makes things feel cooler, even if they aren't.

  3. I have a love/hate relationship with water sounds. They can put me to sleep, but if I am sleeping, sounds of rain and water annoy me. I like the looks.

    1. Ha, I have a friend who feels exactly like that. And another that swears the sound of water like that makes them want to, um, go to the bathroom constantly, ha.


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