
Saturday, July 7, 2018


Garden is still giving us a few things...

Veggie harvest is what we got today before the rains came.

Three cucumbers, eight jalapeƱos, and sixteen banana peppers.  Tomatoes are done.  Eggplants are done.  May have a few more yellow squash next weekend but that will be it for them too.  We are still getting lots of herbs.

Most likely, I'll be pulling up several of the plants next weekend and dreaming/planning for Fall.

More tomorrow!   


  1. It seems too soon for a garden to end.

    1. I know but our heat and humidity really put an end to the crops that don't do well in it. We're still going be getting cucumbers and if I planted some okra we might get that. Melons would do well too but we haven't tried those yet (maybe next year).

  2. hardly seems possible that your tomatoes are already done for the season but looks like you're getting a good supply of banana peppers. Now you can make yourself some canned mustard with them peppers.
    I'm still waiting and waiting for my Tabasco peppers to turn red...………..they are taking forever but then they do take along time before they actually turn red. They have to be certain color of red in order to make Tabasco Sauce.

    Received a small shower of rain late Friday afternoon but didn't last long and wasn't really enough to register in the rain gauge as I still had to do water my plants the next day and still have serious cracks in the yard.

    Have a great day and wonderful evening.

    1. Yeah I think we got a late start (even though it was earlier than last year, ha). The peppers are doing great. I will be making some of that mustard soon. I can't wait to hear how your Tabasco turns out. We have had plenty of rain for sure. Tis the season!

  3. How wonderful, I've been playing catch up with my plantings as it all got a bit behind! Do you have any advice for planning your arrangements of vegetable beds?

    1. You know, I read all sorts of plans and ideas and such when first starting but in the end, I just do what feels right. I DO however rotate each year. Like you shouldn't plant tomatoes in the same bed the next year. So I move around to other beds. but as for what I plant and arrange, I really just do what seems convenient . Like this season I made one bed with just peppers. Then another wit squash. Etc. Then I just scatter herbs around in all the beds. I just try to see what herbs go best with certain veggies and I do try to see what does well together as far as veggies (companion planting). Good luck and ask anything anytime!

  4. I still vote for a second summer garden. It is not to late for a late harvest of tomatoes and okra!

    1. I might try that. I need to find some okra plants, not sure if it's too late to start from seed. I'm going to pull up some of them this weekend and see what I can plant.

  5. Nice looking harvest! Yep, with this heat nothing other than peppers and okra can grow. To cut down on my watering, I always plant those two vegetables together since everything else has played out from the heat. So, like you for the next 6 - 8 weeks, I'll just be planning for the Fall garden.

    1. Thanks, and yep, I need to try to get some okra in, though it might be too late. Not sure if I can find any plants already growing. Seems like nurseries have done away with veggies. Planning for the fall though, that's always exciting!!


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