
Monday, July 30, 2018


With our recent move from an apartment with a guest room to one without, we had some extra furniture.  There were two nightstands, one on each side of the guest bed.  We just couldn't part with them as we got them at our favorite furniture store NADEAU and the distressed style and solid wood construction made them a must keep. A bonus was the fact that they have storage cabinets below, which is ALWAYS needed in a small house.

So we decided to move them to the farm.  At first we hoped to put them in the farm master bedroom on each side of the bed.  However, there was not enough room on the wall where the bed is for both of them.  They are just a bit wider that the space allows.

So the next (and really only other) choice was the guest room at the farm...

Here is one on the left side of the bed with the lamp and alarm clock...

...and one on the other side of the bed.

And just like that, we now have more storage in the house.  

The yellow one that used be in the farm guest room now fits perfectly next to the master bedroom bed, giving us a spot for an alarm clock and a few other things.  It has a drawer too which is always nice and a little shelf at the bottom for something decorative.

But the pale yellow doesn't go since the room decor int eh master is blue and white so we'll need to paint it.  Now we just have to decide if all blue or all white.  Might go with white so that it could be moved around if necessary, but the dresser is blue so it might be better to go with that.  It will, of course, have to be a project for when the weather cools down this Fall. 

There will be painting involved!


  1. they are perfect in the guest room. go with white. farmhouses shouldn't be matchy matchy....haha!

  2. If I were going to paint it, I would paint it white. But, why not a bit of yellow? throw a yellow pillow on the bed, and there you go--a color scheme!

  3. I see the color of the nightstand in your bedspread. Why paint it?

  4. I love that you are repurposing them rather than throwing them out.

  5. cute little night stand.
    paint it all white; tape off sections on top of the stand and put blue stripes on the top of the nightstand just to add some contrast to go with the blue in your room and in the spread.
    Find a small basket to put on bottom and spray it blue, same color as the stripes on top of the stand. The basket can be sued for storing small items, a book, etc.
    Or paint all white and paint the front of the drawer in a blue to match your décor.
    Can't tell if your bedframe is a dark brown or black. Do the knob on the stand same color as your bedframe, brown or black or could even spray paint the drawer knob in gold

    1. doing the inside drawer makes for a nice finishing touch; decoupage with fabric, wall paper, wrapping paper, or just painting the inside makes for a nice finished product.

  6. Is that a bakelite clock in the first picture? It is fabulous! And as far as painting goes I tend to choose color based on the return paint gallons at Menards. This is why our Looney Bin house will never be focused in Home and Garden

  7. If you were only going blue or white, I would vote white. I tend to color outside the lines and would possibly go a light blue grey. The MBR looks like it has cool colors and the night stand need to be cool also, but I would like a little contrast with the walls.

  8. I really like Colleen's idea. The stripes and a coordinating basket would look really sweet.

    The other option you might consider is painting the table the same blue color as your dresser and then when it is dry painting the dresser all over with white chalk paint and gently distressing it. You obviously like the distressed look so why not have another piece in the room you use.

    Yet another option would be to paint the dresser white and the top or tops of the horizontal areas blue and highlight the either the recessed parts of the legs or the projecting areas blue as well.

    It should be a fun project whatever you decide. Looking forward to seeing the results.


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