
Thursday, July 12, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

We like this display of plants and flowers.  I actually love the washtub, my Grandmother had two just like it and she used them for the same thing, sort of plants and just as a yard decor.  Well, I take that back, ORIGINALLY she actually USED them to wash clothes. It was only later after they got their first washer that she had to use them for something else.  Funny side note, she still refused to get a dryer, she liked the clothesline. What I wouldn't give for pictures of her house when everything was in bloom.  I need to look through some old photo albums one of these days.

Anyway, we were thinking about something like this around the sides of the barn and/or shed.   

Be inspired!


  1. Nice 12 gallon crock there, too

    1. Oh yeah, isn't it? Not sure I'd leave that outside, ha

  2. This would look really pretty around the barns. It would be a great place to display some of your interesting items.

    1. After mowing and edging this weekend, I think so. Of course I guess I'd still l have to edge, ha.

  3. I see them full of herbs, up high where you don't have to bend. Oh, that is me who does not bend well.

    1. OOH good idea!!! Thanks!! I can bend ok but heck, who wants to if you don't have to.

  4. love this whole scheme. it would be sensational planted with perennials like larkspur and foxgloves and phlox.

    1. Oh you could make this look amazing. You have got THE decorating a garden gene for sure. Hmm, I wonder what color that thumb is? Ha

  5. What a great idea for herbs, can be placed where convenient and at thevright height for picking, inspecting and up away from peeing animals !

    I'm with your Grandmother. ...clothes dried on the line, no waste of expensive energy, healthy sun exposure and one less old appliance headed for landfill.
    99.9% of dwellings have clothes lines in Australia, even new units with the tiniest outside space have the drop-down rectangular type that attach to the outside wall.
    So lovely to see all your plantings and preparation coming along in readiness for you both to live the good life😊

    1. Another vote for the herbs. Thanks for the reminder!! And peeing animals. Ha. never though about that. Eww!! Oh how we'd love to do that out there. We do laundry in town because we don't have a washer out there. Thanks for the kind words!!

  6. Love it, it's just beautiful. One caution, those beautiful old crocks will crack if left out in cold weather. They're too gorgeous to lose. I did that with a very old 30 gallon one, and am so sorry I did. Big crack all the way down one side.

    1. That's so funny, I wrote on the earlier comment that I wouldn't leave that out either. I figured they wouldn't be good outside. We have some old crocks actually, they were my parents, they are at the farm (inside, ha). I should take some pics one of these days.

  7. What a great looking display this would make by your barn sheds.
    I so agree with Karen about them crocks on bringing them in, in freezing temperatures. A nice crock also makes for displaying a kitchen Christmas tree.
    I love all them old yard tools, right down to that old wrench hanging on corner of the shed. Really gives it that rustic / farm look. I even like that rock border.
    That wash tub...……...totally awesome. I remember my mother having the double tub set and Oh, how I wish I had it today.
    I seen a single tub at the Antique Mall but she wanted Big bucks for it so needless to say it didn't come home with me.
    I do like that clematis climbing up that old obelisk as it really gives it some nice color. Could even put in a wooden windmill in place of the obelisk or with area you have you could have both.
    Would be cute by adding a couple of yard art critters; a rabbit, squirrel, kitty / cat or even a dog or other. Adding a small cement bird bath would be even 'cool' in that area.
    A lot of possibilities for decorating / displaying such an area.

    1. You always see great details in pics that I miss, ha. thanks for this info. Oh how I'd love to have my Grandmother's double tub too. Thanks for the suggestions. We'll see what we can come up with one of these days.

  8. I have an area just like this alongside our feed shed on The Poor Farm except, I don't have any gravel on the ground, my area is overgrown with morning glories choking out the other plants, my metal farm tools are loose on the shed wall and threatening to crash down, and my blue glass insulators all have cracks in them. Other than that, it looks just like this picture!

    1. ha, I can totally picture it. That's another thing I just remembered, because of your comment, that my grandparents had a TON of glass insulators. Oh how I'd love to have a bunch of them! I love gravel but always so afraid of grass taking over.

  9. I have an old bathtub in our backyard with a hydrangea plant in it. We had to replace it because it cracked. My husband couldn't figure why I did it....useable and that's what happens when you read country magazines. I've seen old toilets used for flowers too! I like your ideas and grandma is so remembering her house. I was young when she died but I remember her house and her cookies in an apple cookie jar. I have her buffet table now.

    1. Memories are so awesome and especially when we have something tangible from them too. I remember a cool cookie jar my grandmother had, and then I was able to get it as a gift from a relative a few years back. I love it!


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