
Sunday, August 5, 2018


It was a day of beating the rain. And the heat.  I had to visit a friend in the hospital and it was pouring rain there.  I was hoping that the farm would be drier.

It was but only for a bit.  I didn't have to mow because it's so dry and hot.  This is the grass a week after mowing.  Not much to do in the yard this weekend.  

It was time though to pull the plug on the garden.  I hadn't pulled up the tomato plants yet but you can see, it's just the dog days of Summer.  Everything has stopped.

So I shut off the water valve and turned off the faucet timer.  I was going to pull up the plants this weekend but I didn't have enough time because... got darker and darker and I could hear thunder.  With all the trees around it's not good to be out in the yard so I loaded up the Jeep and headed out.  

The rain came.  Not sure how much we got yet but as I left, it was a pretty heavy rain.  

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. With the look of the sky, it is just as well. Didn't you forget to take up the hoses before freezing weather last year? Or, was it someone else? When you have chickens, they would love the tomato plants you could throw to them. They especially love pecking roots of plants. There are bugs in the dirt around the roots.

    1. No, I got the hoses up. But thank you for the reminder. I'll leave them down for the fall garden but then pull them up. Thanks for the tip on the tomato plants, I'll take them up to 2nd Family for their chickens.

  2. i wish we would get rain. we get 15 minutes of it here and there but everything is dying. there is no relief in sight. between trump as president and this heat i would think i am in hell but my puppies convince me otherwise!

    1. I'm not sure how much we ended up getting. It rained on the car on the way back into town but sometimes the farm seems to miss the rain. We'll see. And yes, I totally understand.

  3. Sadly, I'm pulling my garden up this week, too. We've had so much rain and crazy heat that my tomatoes were splitting before they were even ripe. They have hardly ripened at all. No tomato sauce for me unless I manage to find some at one of my farmers markets. I'm going to start some cabbage collards (have you ever heard of those?) and kale and spinach to, hopefully, get a nice fall crop.

    1. Don't you hate that? Our tomatoes were better this year but still not what we had hoped for. I haven't heard of cabbage collards? I will look into that. Our collards did well last Fall but I'd like to try something different. thank you!

  4. I finally had to cut down my 7foot tall tomato plant and dug up the roots and put it all in our compost pile.
    We sure could use some rain; nice gently rain for about a week or more to help fill the cracks in our yard.

    1. SEVEN feet tall? You are the green thumb queen! Not sure how much rain we got but I don't think it was enough. Very hit and miss.


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