
Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Today is the day...

The day that most of us will never forget where we were when we first heard...

The day and all the days that followed seemed like just a blur...

The day to think back and remember those lost...


  1. I was living in New Jersey at the time. I drove into work like every other day. When I got in the phones were quiet. Too quiet. The manager had the 'training TV'that we used for only DVD's, in the reception area with a very snowy picture. The 1st tower had been struck. We couldn't tell what was going on due to no rabbit ears. I ran out to Wally World for antenna. We saw the 2nd tower struck and the 1st one go down. It was horrific. My brother in law is a fireman/paramedic in Chicago. Within the week he and several of his co-workers came out to help. But there were no survivors. We were able to gain special access to the Site due to them being Fireman/Paramedics. It was a very somber experience.

    1. Wow. Thank you for sharing and tell your brother in law thank you. I hope being there at Ground Zero (him and you) has not caused any lingering health problems.

  2. 9/11/2001 was my 50th birthday. I remember watching the news on the tv before going to work. It was so shocking and tragic. It's something that none of us will ever forget. When my birthday comes around it is my first thought,

    1. Never can we forget. I heard the first one on the radio as a breaking news driving to work. I thought maybe small private plane. I got to work and was just getting out of the car when the second plane struck and the DJ on the radio was screaming on the airwaves. I'll never forget that. Went in to the office, we gathered around the tv and the world stood still for most of the day.

      Peace to you on your birthday every year.

  3. Remember all the LGBT people who died either on the planes or in the WTC, and the partners/lovers of several years that were left nothing.

    1. Thank you for this reminder. Yes, that day cost so much, for everyone including members of our own LGBT community. Hugs.


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